Delete Phishing Email with Subject

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Noel Chavez

Nov 19, 2024, 5:15:28 PM (14 days ago) Nov 19
to GAM for Google Workspace
I have my district office users that received a phishing email and I am trying to delete it by subject but I keep getting and invalid argument error. I have done it before but this one is failing.

gam csv DOUsers.csv gam user ~Email delete messages query 'subject:Document shared with you: "(NEWSLETTER)PAYROLL INCREASE DOC (2).docx"' doit maxtodelete 1

Noel Chavez

Nov 19, 2024, 5:18:15 PM (14 days ago) Nov 19
to GAM for Google Workspace
I figured it  out. I had to sort out the double quotes so I just shortened the search and it worked just fine.

gam csv DOUsers.csv gam user ~Email delete messages query "subject:(NEWSLETTER)PAYROLL INCREASE DOC (2).docx" doit maxtodelete 10

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