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Variables in json

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Joe Faneuf

Feb 3, 2020, 7:35:56 AM2/3/20
to GAM for G Suite
I am using GAM to edit a google sheet and I am able to pass data to the sheet correctly but I don't understand how to pass variables in the command.  This is what I have so far without variables.

gam user *google username* append sheetranges drivefilename testjoe json '[{\"range\": \"A1:C1\", \"values\": [[\"r\", \"s\", \"t\"]], \"majorDimension\": \"ROWS\"}]' userentered includevaluesinresponse 

but in place of the r,s,t I would like to put variables.

How do I accomplish this?  I have tried everything without success.

Thank you,

- Joe

Ross Scroggs

Feb 3, 2020, 10:33:08 AM2/3/20

What OS are you on? Do you mean variables as in shell/command prompt/powershell?


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Joe Faneuf

Feb 3, 2020, 10:59:05 AM2/3/20
to GAM for G Suite
I actually just figured it out.  This is for powershell and I was having an awful time trying to get variable names into the json string.  

Ross Scroggs

Feb 3, 2020, 11:02:46 AM2/3/20

For all us PowerShell noobs, what does the command look like?


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Feb 22, 2020, 9:01:30 AM2/22/20
to GAM for G Suite
@Joe, please post how you solved it.
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