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ERROR: Suspended is not a valid argument for "gam update user"

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Mike McLoughlin

Mar 29, 2017, 4:03:07 AM3/29/17
to GAM for G Suite

GAM version: 4.12

I am trying to suspend users with the command:

E:\gam\gam.exe update user supended on

...and am seeing the error message:

ERROR: Suspended is not a valid argument for "gam update user"

The syntax guide suggests it should work (my emphasis) - although is is flagged as for GAM3:

Update and Rename a User


gam update user <email address>
 [firstname <First Name>] [lastname <Last Name>]
 [password <Password>]
 [username <New Username>]
 [email <New Email>]
 [gal on|off] [admin on|off] [suspended on|off]
 [sha] [md5] [crypt] [nohash] 
 [changepassword on|off] [org <Org Name>] 

Am I missing something obvious here?

- Mike

Mike McLoughlin

Mar 29, 2017, 5:18:22 AM3/29/17
to GAM for G Suite
I have managed to get around this via the bulk method instead, like this:

gam csv C:\gam\suspend.csv gam update user ~email suspended on

- Mike

Ross Scroggs

Mar 29, 2017, 7:57:51 AM3/29/17

Your command as shown (suspended misspelled): E:\gam\gam.exe update user supended on
The error message as shown (suspended spelled correctly but capitalized): ERROR: Suspended is not a valid argument for "gam update user"
There is a mismatch here in what you're reporting.
This command: E:\gam\gam.exe update user supended on
should give this error: ERROR: supended is not a valid argument for "gam update user"

Correct usage: E:\gam\gam.exe update user suspended on
Check your spelling and report back.


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Mike McLoughlin (PCA)

Mar 29, 2017, 8:47:18 AM3/29/17
to GAM for G Suite
Hi Ross,

Oh, how embarrassing - a simple spelling mistake, lol.

My command-line interface was very small text-wise. 


Thanks for your help.

- Mike
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