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Remove the blue Share button in Google Drive

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Jennifer S

May 3, 2016, 2:58:40 PM5/3/16
to Google Apps Manager
Just wondering if anyone has come across a way to completely remove the blue Share button in Google Drive. We would prefer these files to not be shared at all by users, wondering if I can lock that down. We have OU's, so the most convenient way would be to do it thru the OU. But so far no luck in finding a solution ... anyone have any suggestions? Thanks ...

Nate Ferrell

May 3, 2016, 3:07:14 PM5/3/16
to Google Apps Manager
This is probably going to need a custom Chrome extension, then OU deployment of that custom Chrome extension.

Definitely not something that GAM can take care of, as you're looking for a User Experience reconfiguration.

James Hatz

May 4, 2016, 10:14:50 AM5/4/16
to Google Apps Manager
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