"www.custom-url.com is already mapped to a project" error when trying to point custom domain to App Engine app

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Evan Kaminsky

Sep 26, 2017, 3:40:52 PM9/26/17
to Google App Engine

I recently purchased a domain through Google Domains and when I try to point it to my App Engine app, I receive the "already mapped to a project" error. I have not done anything with the domain and I have verified this by going to its DNS settings page. When I go to the URL www.tipsymix.com, I see a Blogger site that I did not put up even though I own the domain name.


Kenworth (Google Cloud Platform)

Sep 26, 2017, 5:26:39 PM9/26/17
to Google App Engine
Are you still experiencing this issue? When I go to the URL, I do not see a blogger site.


Sep 27, 2017, 9:03:53 AM9/27/17
to Google App Engine
Hi Kenworth,

I also encounter the above error trying to map a custom domain to AppEngine project.

- Originally, the domain was indeed mapped to another project which static resources from a Cloud Storage Bucket.
- I have since deployed the app that uses the same static files on AppEngine, and deleted that Cloud Storage Bucket and the project associated with it.
- As such, I expected the domain not to be mapped and available for custom mapping with the new AppEngine project. However, I suspect that because that project is still able to be restored for a period of 24 more days, that the domain is still mapped to it behind the scenes?
- If you go to the domain today (www.innerathletenutrition.com) there is nothing, since I deleted the project and Bucket.

- I attempted to remove any connection between the domain and the old project/bucket by removing the www CNAME record from my domain settings, which has had no effect.

* Is there anything I can do to map the new project to this domain? Or do I have to wait until the old project is permanently deleted/unavailable for restoration in 24 days?


Evan Kaminsky

Sep 27, 2017, 6:18:13 PM9/27/17
to Google App Engine
I also no longer see the blogger site (I think I had accidentally put in the wrong resource records and it took a while for the DNS to flush them out). I still can't map the www subdomain (same problem as earlier). Additionally, when I continue without the www record and try to add the records for the base domain to Google Domains, I get a "Record already in use" error on the second entry.

Kenworth (Google Cloud Platform)

Sep 27, 2017, 9:59:01 PM9/27/17
to Google App Engine
@Chris Can you send me privately your project-id?

@Evan Since your case is a newly purchased domain, I recommend you open a new public issue tracker as describe in this article so that proper attention will be given to it. You can reference this thread as a background to the case.


Sep 28, 2017, 6:33:53 AM9/28/17
to Google App Engine
Done- thank you sir.


Sep 29, 2017, 9:54:46 AM9/29/17
to Google App Engine
 It's also happening to me. I've got a domain that was used in another project under the same google account. I deleted the project but forgot to "unlink" the domain and now I cannot link it to the new project I've got. It keeps telling me that "is already mapped to a project."

 Can you point me to anything I can do to try to fix it or unlink it from the previous project?

Thanks in advance,

Yannick (Cloud Platform Support)

Sep 29, 2017, 4:30:23 PM9/29/17
to Google App Engine
Hello Adri, I assume it's too late for you to undelete that project? If so you should open a new Issue on the Issue Tracker so it can be looked into.


Oct 1, 2017, 3:50:54 PM10/1/17
to Google App Engine
Hi Kenworth,

Did you receive my private message with project details?


Kenworth (Google Cloud Platform)

Oct 1, 2017, 7:59:14 PM10/1/17
to Google App Engine

I did not receive any messages / email privately. Since your project can still be restored, please try to restore it and remove the associated domains on the old project. 

If you are still affected after the above suggestion, you should open a new Issue on the Issue Tracker so our engineering team can look into it. Please refer to this thread as a background to your case.

Glenn Goodrich

Oct 12, 2017, 4:59:23 PM10/12/17
to Google App Engine

I have the same issue and have opened an issue with issue tracker. Do you know any more about this problem? I have attached screenshots of my issue. I have not deleted the project. I would like to find a way to add the 'www' subdomain so I can get SSL for that as well. As it is now, I can only access my site using propertytax.io without the 'www'. I would appreciate any help you have to offer. 
Screen Shot 2017-10-12 at 3.30.10 PM.png
Screen Shot 2017-10-12 at 3.28.16 PM.png

Juan Carlos García Sigüenza

Nov 18, 2017, 10:29:23 AM11/18/17
to Google App Engine
any notices about the issue? I have the same problem

Yannick (Cloud Platform Support)

Nov 20, 2017, 9:06:08 AM11/20/17
to Google App Engine
You are now able to manually override domain mappings yourself by using the Admin API 'DomainOverrideStrategy' option

- Simply create your domain mapping via the API Explorer by filling out the 'appsId' parameter and setting the 'overrideStrategy' parameter to "OVERRIDE" (without the quotes). 

- Then add and fill out the 'DomainMapping' parameters in the 'Request body'. Also ensure you turn on 'Authorize requests using OAuth 2.0' so that you may prove your ownership over the project ID 'appsId' found in the Cloud Console

Juan Carlos García Sigüenza

Nov 20, 2017, 10:15:20 AM11/20/17
to Google App Engine
it's works very fine!!! very thank you!!!


Nov 21, 2017, 12:22:14 AM11/21/17
to Google App Engine
Please provide detailed steps explaining this.  I am having to redirect to appspspot instead of domain mapping. Also dont want appengine and google apps getting messed.

Evan Kaminsky

Nov 21, 2017, 6:39:05 PM11/21/17
to Google App Engine
Hi Todu,

Here are the steps I used to get it set up.

1) Go to https://developers.google.com/apis-explorer/#search/admin%20api/appengine/v1/appengine.apps.domainMappings.create
2) Fill out the request form and enable OAuth2.0 - See the attached screenshot "domainMappingsCreate_Instructions.png"
3) Execute the command, which will require you to authenticate with Google
3) To enable Google's built-in SSL support (Optional): Select your subdomain from the table in the attached screenshot "enableManagedSecurity_Instructions.png," and click the "Enabled Managed Security" button (which will be enabled if you haven't already selected it).

It took a few minutes for the SSL to kick in but it works like a charm.

Dan Ciruli

Feb 14, 2018, 12:23:12 PM2/14/18
to Google App Engine
Evan -

Wow! This totally worked.

Thanks so much.
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