App Engine & Cloud Run in VPC

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Stuart Henderson

Jun 6, 2022, 10:55:29 AM6/6/22
to Google App Engine
I am setting up a front-end in App Engine which speaks to a back-end in Cloud Run and I'd like all the traffic to be private (internal only). 

Is it necessary to use a serverless VPC Connector for this?

I had pictured just adding these resources to the VPC subnet for the relevant region. Any pointers would be very welcome!


Ernesto Contreras Pinon

Jun 6, 2022, 5:26:28 PM6/6/22
to Google App Engine

The VPC serverless connectors would work well for this purpose, since they are used to connect your serverless services to a VPC with internal IP addresses. This ensures that the connection between the front and back ends goes through the VPC and not the internet.

This documentation should be a starting point to know more about VPC serverless access.

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