Google Apps No Longer Free

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Dec 6, 2012, 9:42:42 PM12/6/12
Just saw that Google Apps is no longer free for businesses

I have no problem paying for a Google Apps account where I actually use Google apps, but at the moment you have to have a Google Apps account to link a domain to an Appengine app. Some of our apps have two or three domains showing the same app, and because you need to have an account for each email address that Appengine sends email from, we have three or four accounts per domain. So this is potentially going to add $600 per year to our costs - all for virtual accounts that don't actually use Google Apps at all.

Can someone from Google comment please? Either Google Apps accounts need to remain free if they are associated with Appengine apps, or there needs to be another way to link domains (and authorise email addresses) for Appengine.


Dec 6, 2012, 9:53:06 PM12/6/12
This seems like another nice price increase for GAE.

Nickolas Daskalou

Dec 6, 2012, 10:00:40 PM12/6/12
to Google App Engine
-1 Google.


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Gregory D'alesandre

Dec 6, 2012, 10:41:34 PM12/6/12
Hello Everyone,

The Apps Standard account you have today will continue to work for free.  If you create a new Apps account going through the App Engine Admin Console you'll still be able to create a Standard Apps account for free but you'll only be able to get 1 user per account rather than the 10 you get today.

Let me know if you have additional questions,

Greg D'Alesandre
Senior Product Manager, Google App Engine


Dec 6, 2012, 11:54:37 PM12/6/12
Thanks for clarifying, Greg - I'd hoped there would some dispensation like this.

I've still got a problem though, because this means you can only have one sender email address per app. I believe that I can't use aliases to the same user to add two addresses as appengine developers, and anyway if you need different behaviours (like a vacation responder on the noreply user) you're out of luck. So currently this means paying out an extra $150 a year per app, or looking at switching MX records so the domain's email is handled by another server (assuming we can do that without breaking anything).

Any chance of raising the standard apps accounts you get through appengine have more than the limit of one user (preferably the original ten ;)?  Maybe make this available only to billed apps to reduce abuse by people wanting free apps accounts.

(the other) Greg.

Thomas Wiradikusuma

Dec 7, 2012, 2:11:24 AM12/7/12
Hi Greg (of Google),

I agree of what the other Greg said. It's very common to send transactional emails from a dedicated address (e.g. noreply). It's not professional (and even raise suspicion) if the "Click here to reset your password" email comes from for example.

If it's not possible to increase the account from 1 to n, at least please allow the use of alias.

Francois Masurel

Dec 7, 2012, 2:48:33 AM12/7/12
Yes, I agree with Thomas, that's exactly what I have done.

I have created noreply adresses for each of my domains hosted on GAE because these sending mail adresses need to have administrative rights.

Will Google provide a fix for this?

These huge changes without warnings are a really really bad suprise at wakeup :-(

Bordeaux, France


Dec 7, 2012, 3:25:50 AM12/7/12
Another suggestion: make it so that App Engine apps can be served from
a custom domain w/o creating a new Google Apps account. I couldn't
find an issue for that so I went ahead and created one. Please, mark
it as a duplicate if there is one.

Hugo Visser

Dec 7, 2012, 3:44:23 AM12/7/12
I think allowing to send from an alias would be very helpful. When running from an app, you most of the time don't need the actual inbox, you just need to be able to send from a email address originating from your domain. Currently every sender has to be a real account, but it would be nice if you can just add that account and with that also allow the aliases fo that account to send email.

On Friday, December 7, 2012 8:11:24 AM UTC+1, Thomas Wiradikusuma wrote:

Mat Jaggard

Dec 7, 2012, 5:35:09 AM12/7/12
Hi Steve,
I think you're missing the point. Some startups are getting going with zero capital because an individual with some skills and some time can produce and sell a product using free cloud services and then once they've made a few bob can upgrade.

Google WERE supporting this model very well - shame on you for stopping.


On Friday, 7 December 2012 09:18:18 UTC, Steve Daniels wrote:
Hi Thomas,

I don't mean to show disrespect, but if your startup can't afford $50 to send email from a Google Apps address, then you've probably got bigger issues.

Yours Respectfully,



Dec 7, 2012, 6:01:11 AM12/7/12
Hi Matt,

On Friday, 7 December 2012 10:35:09 UTC, Mat Jaggard wrote:
Some startups are getting going with zero capital because an individual with some skills and some time can produce and sell a product using free cloud services and then once they've made a few bob can upgrade.

Google WERE supporting this model very well - shame on you for stopping.

Very succinctly put - this raises the barriers to entry to GAE for small startups, and significantly reduces its usefulness for testing ideas.

Reducing the free tier from 10 to 5 (or even 3 at a push), or reducing the cost per user for tiny teams, could have significantly mitigated that had Google wished to do so - clearly they don't, which is their call of course.

For several of my smaller/more speculative projects where I'd intended to use GAE, Google Apps or both, this will cause me to fire up a couple of new Linodes, which may or may not be Google's intention. However, whilst this change is not hugely significant in and of itself, it is a timely reminder to me that I'm safer using services that I pay for, and where I therefore know where I stand. The uncertainty as to what change will come next is the bigger issue to me.

FWIW, Linode surprises me now and again, too - but every time Linode surprises me, it is with good news...




Peter Liu

Dec 7, 2012, 6:03:51 AM12/7/12
Some question and feedback:


I am not sure it's related. Last Sunday one of our new google apps account we created for GAE domain was suddenly deleted.
Users can't hit GAE app with that domain, and Google 404 page is shown.

We quickly re-register the domain with Google apps and added back the domain and it's working.

This result in 2 hours of production down time.


I don't know the transition detail, but will #1 happen again? Say if the domain we have right now has 2 users and we didn't add billing info,
will Google delete the domain in Google apps? 


How do we downgrade the app account to "1 free user"? 


Dec 7, 2012, 6:19:56 AM12/7/12
It's also a point of principle. We are already paying for the App Engine service through that infrastructure, and we are forced to use Apps because of a quirk of that infrastructure. Now we are having to pay for that privilege if we want to do more that the absolute minimum (having multiple email accounts for an application is a fairly common/predominant use-case).

It seems perfectly reasonable for Google to have made this change for all the other uses of Apps, but it seems to me that the App Engine/Apps relationship is a slightly special edge case. Perhaps it's time the App Engine team put some serious consideration into how they might decouple the two services so that we can use our own domains in a more traditional manner?


Dec 7, 2012, 7:33:12 AM12/7/12
> Perhaps it's time the App
> Engine team put some serious consideration into how they might decouple the
> two services so that we can use our own domains in a more traditional
> manner?
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Google App Engine" group.
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Dec 7, 2012, 11:43:37 AM12/7/12
Ditto what Greg and Thomas said. This is really the only option for outbound mail sending with GAE. 

Short of a change in the rules, I'll have to look elsewhere for the mail services (i.e. I'll have to give my money to someone else). This really complicates new domain setup.


Dec 7, 2012, 11:48:51 AM12/7/12
to Google App Engine
It wouldn't be so much a problem if Google Apps was a good service to
use in combination with App Engine, but it's not. The integration is
poor and just puts hurdles in our way.

Google has made some questionable decisions lately. I don't know why.

Andrew Jessup

Dec 7, 2012, 12:39:22 PM12/7/12
Hi Michele,

To set up your domain in this way, navigate to your application's dashboard within and visit "Application Settings > Add Domain". On that screen follow the "Sign Up for Google Apps Standard" link. From here you can sign up to a limited version of Google Apps Standard.

Kind regards,

Andrew Jessup | Product Manager, Google App Engine

On Friday, 7 December 2012 01:53:11 UTC-8, Michele De Rose wrote:
Hi Greg D'Alesandre,
I can't find the way/link for to register a new domain with standard google apps (free for 1 user)...

can you help me?

thanks a lot :)


Jeff Schnitzer

Dec 7, 2012, 12:55:43 PM12/7/12
to Google App Engine
On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 11:43 AM, Wes <> wrote:
Short of a change in the rules, I'll have to look elsewhere for the mail services (i.e. I'll have to give my money to someone else). This really complicates new domain setup.

To be honest... GAE's email system has never been "production quality".  Every time it comes up in conversation on this list the advice from longtime users (including myself) is always "use a third-party service".  It's not complicated - just enqueue a task that submits the (typically REST) value to Amazon SES or one of the zillions of other companies that focus on deliverability and customer support.

I don't consider this much of a shortcoming in GAE; there is no inherent advantage in having email built into Google's infrastructure.  Sending an email is just an API call either way.  I'd rather have Google focus on things that third parties can't do well, like add features to the datastore.



Dec 7, 2012, 1:01:37 PM12/7/12
I have been extremely happy with GAE mail sending and receiving state and is production quality for me and my customers. It needs additional features like being able to send and receive using custom domains but the stated capability works great for us, please stop taking every opportunity to bash it!!!   (Sorry for forking the thread but had to respond to this).


Kyle Finley

Dec 7, 2012, 1:43:43 PM12/7/12

Have you looked into Windows Live Custom Domains ? I think what you could do is:

1. Add your clients domain as Greg described.
2. Setup your clients email using Windows Live
3. Create regular google accounts (not gmail accounts) using the Windows Live email addresses e.g.
4. Add the users as developers to the account so that you can send emails using their address.

I haven't tested this, but I think it should work. It adds a few more hoops to jump through, but I guess that's the cost of free.


On Friday, December 7, 2012 11:31:13 AM UTC-6, techamerica wrote:
Well Merry Christmas to you too Greg and Google.

Have you guys even stopped to consider the effects eliminating the small standard app will have on small business?  I for one do not know if I can survive. I make my living on helping very small business's get efficient on the web. And part of that was introducing those small clients to Google Apps Standard and Google Adwords. I was literally in the process of setting up 2 brand new clients when this hit. I just cashed their checks on Tuesday. Now I am going to have to give them their money back. Right before Christmas. And when I say small clients I am talking about 4 or 5 people.

If you even would have given us some notice, we might have managed it. How many of us small, one and two and three man shops have supported Google over the years?

Thanks a lot. Merry Christmas.

Jason Collins

Dec 7, 2012, 2:37:42 PM12/7/12
I wrote up a specific API here that I think would be easy to use (and implement by Google in my opinion). Please star if you'd like to see it:

fj pecsy

Dec 7, 2012, 2:58:56 PM12/7/12
Thank you Kyle!

I'm looking into it. But we are hoping that when Google realizes how petty killing of the support for micro business's is, that they may change their minds. My typical start up client is three to 4 people, but about half of them are under three. Basically 'mom and pops'.  The client that I just signed up is dad doing manufacturing, mom doing the sales and accounting and packaging, daughter doing deliveries and customer service. They are struggling. I recommended Google apps for them as a way to 'start off right', 'standardize on a reliable service' and have a cost effective solution for them as they grow. I get to be admin for them, and prove that by being able to connect them with Google Apps service that I am a valuable member of their team. So they win, and I win.

But Google also wins. Everything from good will, and living the 'do no harm' philosophy, to getting first bite at the successful companies that survive. I've set up many a client over the years for this kind of solution. And many have grown into paid services-everything from the apps upgrade itself to adwords. The decision to kill off services for these kinds of business's hurts everyone, including Google.


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Dec 7, 2012, 7:33:35 PM12/7/12
Stake in the heart of micro-non-profit, volunteer organization as well. I have supported several, and the number of volunteers times $50 is impractical. I am talking about micro-non-profits such as groups is small towns that organize to get levies passed (WA school funding phenom). They often have NO BUDGET because it is 100% volunteer. Oh well, we will persevere I am sure. Good thing kids holding signs on street corners is still free. -stevep

fj pecsy

Dec 7, 2012, 2:46:38 PM12/7/12
Thank you so much!  How do I star?  Anything to help us out would be gratefully accepted, not to mention much needed.

This decision of Google's to kill off support for micro business's is not good for anyone. Where are those business going to go to?  You guessed it, Google's competitors. It was just a mean spirited gratutious slap in the faces of these customers.

Google needs to reverse itself on supporting these microbusiness's.  Just sayin.


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Jeff Schnitzer

Dec 9, 2012, 11:14:56 PM12/9/12
to Google App Engine
This thread keeps getting more and more surreal.

Google App Engine != Google Apps.  They aren't run by the same people.  I realize there probably isn't a mailing list where you can vent at the Google Apps team, but it's pointless to do it here.


On Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 3:27 AM, River <> wrote:

This is truly heartbreaking. A couple years ago I was about to sign up for the free 50 user account to build a social enterprise I had been planning for years, when my daughter was abducted. I had to drop everything and didn’t sign up, but I certainly would have if I’d known if was going away because it was critical to the plan.

 It took 2 years and going into huge debt to recover her. Now, I was just about to sign up for the free 10 user account to build a much scaled down version of the plan, and discover I have just missed it once again. 

Now I must abandon the plan completely because the entire viability was based around zero start up costs, since for the first few years of community work, it will have no income or contributions. Plus I am familiar with Google’s tools and don’t have the time to learn another platform. 

This is very sad. I put so much care and time into building this plan. Now a lot of good that would have been done will not happen. I was so exited about the free Google Apps offering, it revolutionized the ability for certain kinds of social enterprises to get started immediately without funding and start doing good in their communities. 

For some team efforts, a simple integrated infrastructure is everything and all you need to get started. I just wish I had had the foresight and street savvy to guess that it wouldn’t last and put in the 10 minutes it would have take to sign up back when it was 50 users, or at least yesterday when it was 10. Now I can’t do it at all.

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Dec 10, 2012, 12:54:50 AM12/10/12
to Google App Engine
It's not the same people but it's the same company. This wouldn't even
be a topic on this board, if Google didn't force us to use Google Apps.

Brandon Wirtz

Dec 10, 2012, 2:43:36 AM12/10/12

Oh? So you don’t use Apps For Domains to Deploy your App? It’d be awesome if you didn’t have to do that, but I kind of think you do.

Jeff Schnitzer

Dec 10, 2012, 1:18:40 PM12/10/12
to Google App Engine
And yet as Greg pointed out, GAE usage is unaffected by the Google Apps changes.  You can still create a 1-user free Google Apps system.  So complaining here about 1 user vs 10 users vs 50 users is not productive - I'm willing to bet that nobody on the GAE team has any input into the pricing strategy for Google Apps.

The real problem is that calling a product "Google Apps" is stupid.  I just had a client ask me "did you see that there will no longer be a free tier for app engine?".  Google's product names are confusing.  Ranting to the wrong people on this list is not helping matters.

If ranting here because it's "the same company" is appropriate, just wait until the search and gmail users find us...



Frantisek Fuka

Dec 10, 2012, 1:51:38 PM12/10/12
Oops, the direct link mentioned by me and Balázs Benedek does NOT work because the target domain checks for actual HTTP referer. Either you have to fake it or actually click on the refering link in App Engine panel...

On Monday, December 10, 2012 3:14:42 PM UTC+1, Frantisek Fuka wrote:
It seems that visiting the following URL: allows you to create Free Google Apps account with ONE user per domain (no matter if you use AppEngine or not). This is seems perfectly acceptable and fair to me (provided that this is not dsome sort of glith to be patched). If you need to have different e-mails for single domain, that's not a problem because you may use Catch-All address and GMail filters to sort these and/or forward them elsewhere.

Again, if this is supposed to be a permanent solution, I am OK with it. If I need more than one physical account per domain then I will pay for those.


Dec 11, 2012, 3:34:39 PM12/11/12

You're probably right that no-one in GAE team has input on pricing strategy for Google Apps, so therefore pointless to vent here. It's a good point and I apologize for diluting a tech thread with this. But it's also not 100% impossible that Greg could put a word through to someone with sensitive ears willing to consider grandfathering a few worthy exceptions. It is not unheard of. I actually heard there were some cases individually considered. I wouldn't bother, but some good things are resting on it. And Frantisek, It's easy to be blase about money when you're consulting and the money is flowing in. I've been there. But voluntary work is unpaid, and in the Philippines just $10 means the difference between a child keeping their teeth or not, for example. But I digress, don't worry, I won't be making a nuisance of myself here; if anyone has a relevant contact in Google I can approach, please let me know.


On Monday, December 10, 2012 11:18:40 AM UTC-7, Jeff Schnitzer wrote:
And yet as Greg pointed out, GAE usage is unaffected by the Google Apps changes.  You can still create a 1-user free Google Apps system.  So complaining here about 1 user vs 10 users vs 50 users is not productive - I'm willing to bet that nobody on the GAE team has any input into the pricing strategy for Google Apps.

The real problem is that calling a product "Google Apps" is stupid.  I just had a client ask me "did you see that there will no longer be a free tier for app engine?".  Google's product names are confusing.  Ranting to the wrong people on this list is not helping matters.

If ranting here because it's "the same company" is appropriate, just wait until the search and gmail users find us...

On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 2:43 AM, Brandon Wirtz wrote:

Oh? So you don’t use Apps For Domains to Deploy your App? It’d be awesome if you didn’t have to do that, but I kind of think you do.

Pat Glenn

Jun 17, 2013, 12:52:32 PM6/17/13
Hi Andrew,

I set up my domain on the appengine (at least I think I did it correctly). However, how do I know that once the free 30 day trial for the google apps for business expires, that my account on the appengine will automatically take over? Or do I need to do something to switch it over now? Please advise and thanks for your help..  (The domain I set up was "")

Nick Hu

Jun 18, 2013, 4:08:42 AM6/18/13
Hi Andrew,

I'm also not able to sign up for Google Apps Standard edition through App Engine - It always takes me to a Google Apps Business trial!

Kind regards,


Barry Hunter

Jun 18, 2013, 5:11:50 PM6/18/13
to google-appengine
You now need to purchase the Google Apps for Business Account,  then apply for a credit

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Andrew Jessup

Jun 20, 2013, 12:07:13 AM6/20/13
Hi Pat - unfortunately as we announced last week - we are no longer able to offer the Google Apps Standard edition to App Engine customers. Instead (as Barry notes), we can offer a $50 credit toward your App Engine application to help offset the cost of your Google Apps for Business subscription.

The terms and conditions of the credit, and the form to request one if you are eligible can be found here -

Balázs Benedek

Jun 21, 2013, 1:27:29 AM6/21/13
Hi Andrew,

What happens at the end of the trial? Is the account simply deleted and the domain-mapped application stops responding on the given domain name?

Thank you,



Jul 10, 2013, 1:32:54 PM7/10/13
This page still states that a new app should get one Google Apps Standard Edition for free:

Just created a new app.  But, the links take you to the paid (not free) Google Apps for Business page.


Aug 3, 2013, 1:28:42 PM8/3/13
And the page still states I can get it for free, the google apps people tell me I need to pay them $50 a year or they will cut off access.

Bay of Islands

Sep 2, 2013, 6:45:50 PM9/2/13
Yes it states as well:

Note: You must sign up for Google Apps to register this domain OR prove that you already own it.

 But provides no mechanism to choose for the second option . . . 

Jason Collins

Sep 4, 2013, 7:13:05 PM9/4/13
Wouldn't this: be great?

Take a moment and go flick on that little star!


James Gilliam

Oct 20, 2013, 4:06:01 PM10/20/13
to, Kelly Reebel
Created a new google apps account so I can deploy another domain for my app ...

When I signup for billing, I get a message

An error has occurred. Dismiss.

There is NO indication as to what the error is.

As a result, I cannot setup billing and I suspect google will disable the google apps account soon because billing is not setup.

Can I say that I am very ANGRY about having to use google apps to deploy a GAE application.

I tired calling google apps help # but you need a pin which you cannot get until billing is established.

Just blows my mind how stupid this is.

Vinny P

Oct 20, 2013, 5:16:06 PM10/20/13
On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 3:06 PM, James Gilliam <> wrote:
Created a new google apps account so I can deploy another domain for my app ...
When I signup for billing, I get a message
An error has occurred. Dismiss.
There is NO indication as to what the error is.
As a result, I cannot setup billing and I suspect google will disable the google apps account soon because billing is not setup.
Can I say that I am very ANGRY about having to use google apps to deploy a GAE application.
I tired calling google apps help # but you need a pin which you cannot get until billing is established.


What number did you call? The support line requires a PIN, but the sales number doesn't need one: call 866-954-1565. Note that this line is only open on weekdays, so you'll have to wait until Monday to talk to them.
-Vinny P
Technology & Media Advisor
Chicago, IL

App Engine Code Samples:

James Gilliam

Oct 23, 2013, 3:12:58 PM10/23/13
Can't believe this ... billing cannot be setup and NO workaround to it ... 

I created an google apps account, connected it to my GAE app, no email, and TRIED to setup billing on it ...

I get an error that it cannot be completed but no reason for the failure ..

I got a PIN, called the billing people, explained the problem, collected information for them and emailed it to them ... took about 2 hours ...

Today -- I get the following response indicating that it is in fact a problem but it CANNOT be fixed ...

So, will this google apps be discontinued at the end of the trial because I cannot add the billing ?

Unbelievable ^ google

---  Here is the response I got 

Hello James,

Thanks for your patience.

After reviewing the information you provided, we believe that you may be affected by a known issue on our end.  Here are some details about the issue:

When trying to set up your billing account, you receive the message "An error has occurred. Dismiss"

How to diagnose:
-Sign into Google Apps admin console
-Click 'Set Up Billing' button
-Receive error "An error has occurred. Dismiss"

There is currently no workaround for this issue.

If this doesn't sound like your issue, please click the link below so that we can continue working with you to identify your issue:

**** LINK REMOVED ****

If this does sound like your issue, from now on you'll receive regular updates from our Known Issues Team.  If you ever need to speak with a support agent directly, you can reply to this message and an agent will follow up with you.

Thank you for contacting Support. We apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused and will make sure you stay informed while we work to resolve it.


Google Enterprise Support


To respond to this comment, please login to your support portal and respond to the comment from there. The owner of your Case will be notified of any updates you make.


Google Enterprise Support


James Gilliam

Oct 23, 2013, 3:21:42 PM10/23/13
Now I have TWO domains where I cannot setup billing ... 

James Gilliam

Oct 23, 2013, 3:28:03 PM10/23/13
Here is a screenshot of the billing error .... private info not included

There are now two different domains where I cannot setup billing ... and google support says it works as designed ...
Screen Shot 2013-10-23 at 12.25.34 PM.png

Vinny P

Oct 24, 2013, 1:56:52 AM10/24/13
On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 2:12 PM, James Gilliam <> wrote:
I created an google apps account, connected it to my GAE app, no email, and TRIED to setup billing on it ... I get an error that it cannot be completed but no reason for the failure ..
Today -- I get the following response indicating that it is in fact a problem but it CANNOT be fixed ...

Hi James,

In this case, you can skip Google Apps for domain configuration altogether. Open up a Cloudflare account and use their reverse-proxy service to connect your domain to your App Engine account.

Of course, the downside of this configuration is that you won't be able to use other Apps services such as Gmail and the like. But your GAE app will work fine.

James Gilliam

Nov 5, 2013, 12:34:36 PM11/5/13
to, Kelly Reebel
The saga continues with the google apps credit ..

Every time I launch a custom domain it is a lot of work making google apps happy

I applied for the credit on a domain ... got email saying it was granted on oct 3rd ... on nov 2nd they billed my credit card for the monthly $5 ... and there is no sign of the credit on the account ...

Plus, I have to signup with a credit card on each of these google apps accounts ...

Now sending emails that the credit doesn't actually work ... i have five accounts where the credit has been approved or applied for ...

Has anybody noticed how long the process takes even to get the credit approved ...

Also, the previous issue with not being able to signup for billing was because there is a limit on the number of google apps accounts you can have with a single email address ... after you signup for billing  you have to update the email address ...

This has not been thought out at all by google apps and gae.

So frustrating

This is a lot of work, particularly when their process doesn't even work

James Gilliam

Nov 5, 2013, 12:40:40 PM11/5/13
to, Kelly Reebel
Here's an idea ... why not make the google apps account free UNTIL you activate email ...

I don't need the google apps email but have to have the account to launch GAE appid

So, in the billing system if the EMAIL is not activated then don't bill ... I bet that would solve most of the google apps account that are there just for GAE

Can somebody from google update us when this google apps linkage will end ?

James Gilliam

Nov 5, 2013, 12:54:20 PM11/5/13
Just got a response from google apps about the $50 credit ... they say it doesn't apply to google apps ...

Andrew responded with 

"I see. Unfortunately this credit is only available for the first $50 of your Google App Engine spend, not Google Apps. "

I can't see where the credit was applied anywhere ... and don't even understand what Andrew is talking about ...

Wasn't the credit suppose to be for the google apps account ???????????? because of the charge for using the damn thing even if you don't want the email?

Vinny P

Nov 5, 2013, 10:48:05 PM11/5/13
Hi James,

On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 11:54 AM, James Gilliam <> wrote:
Just got a response from google apps about the $50 credit ... they say it doesn't apply to google apps ...
Wasn't the credit suppose to be for the google apps account ???????????? because of the charge for using the damn thing even if you don't want the email?

The credit counts against your App Engine charges, not against Google Apps. The credit is an offset against the Apps charges, as noted in the post here:

To be clear: yes, you pay the $50/year/user Google Apps charge, but then you can use the credit to receive a "free" $50 worth of App Engine services. 

On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 11:54 AM, James Gilliam <> wrote:
Andrew responded with 
"I see. Unfortunately this credit is only available for the first $50 of your Google App Engine spend, not Google Apps. "
I can't see where the credit was applied anywhere ... and don't even understand what Andrew is talking about ...

The credit should be applied against your App Engine charges. Are you running a paid tier application on your new Apps account? 

On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 11:34 AM, James Gilliam <> wrote:
I applied for the credit on a domain ... got email saying it was granted on oct 3rd ... on nov 2nd they billed my credit card for the monthly $5 ... and there is no sign of the credit on the account ...

Change to the yearly payment plan. If you pay monthly, you pay $5/user/month ($60/year/user). The yearly payment plan is $50/year/user. 

Amanda Parriag

Jan 28, 2014, 12:53:03 PM1/28/14
I just created a business app account and it is saying that this first account is NOT free.

Can you clarify for me why this is?

Vinny P

Feb 5, 2014, 2:09:00 AM2/5/14
On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 11:53 AM, Amanda Parriag <> wrote:
I just created a business app account and it is saying that this first account is NOT free.
Can you clarify for me why this is?

Hi Amanda,

Google announced in mid-2012 that Google Apps accounts are no longer free, but cost $50/user/year:

As for clarification, you can read the forums replies to the poster you quoted, it's quite a long and interesting conversation :-) 

Andrew Jessup

Feb 6, 2014, 4:56:55 PM2/6/14
Hi James,

The $50 credit is for spend on Google App Engine. Unfortunately due to the way App Engine charges are currently presented, the credit doesn't appear in your statement, but rather will appear as a deduction against the first $50 of your spend on App Engine.

James Gilliam

Apr 6, 2014, 9:53:58 PM4/6/14
to, Kelly Reebel
When I didn't think there could be any more issues with google apps account, I have found another one.

Used an alias for a custom domain for a client and now the client wants his own google apps account.

I deleted the alias but I cannot create the new google apps account.

Anybody know how long before I can create it ?

Jeff Schnitzer

Apr 7, 2014, 1:17:53 AM4/7/14
to Google App Engine
This has always been a scary risk. I vaguely recall some piece of
documentation saying a week, but that could be out of date. I would
recommend trying find someone at google that can expedite it (maybe
through some sort of official support channel) because you could be
offline for a long time this way.

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Nimesh Kumar Barman

May 1, 2014, 8:58:35 AM5/1/14

I have some domains with Google Apps Standard (Free) Edition Enabled to sell. All my domains are primary domain enabled with Google Apps Free Edition and valid through 2015 – 2018. You can add your domain as sub-domain and enjoy Google Apps Standard (Free) Edition for Life Time. 



- 10 users licensed domain INR 5,000 / US$80 for Life Time  ( Google Price: US$500 / year ) 

- 50 users licensed domain INR 15,000 / US$250 for Life Time ( Google Price: US$2,500 / year )

- 100 users licensed domain INR 20,000 / US$333 for Life Time ( Google Price: US$5,000 / year )

- 200 users licensed domain INR 25,000 / US$415 for Life Time ( Google Price: US$10,000 / year )

- 500 users licensed domain INR 30,000 / US$500 for Life Time ( Google Price: US$25,000 / year )


Availability as on 01 May 2014 | 17:43 GMT+6:30

10 Users Licensed with Google Apps Free Edition enabled = Sold 3 | Available: 2

50 Users Licensed with Google Apps Free Edition enabled = Sold 8 | Available 4 

100 Users Licensed with Google Apps Free Edition enabled = Sold 7 | Available 2

200 Users Licensed with Google Apps Free Edition enabled = Sold 7 | Available 0

500 Users Licensed with Google Apps Free Edition enabled = Sold 1 | Available 1 


  • Payment through eBay India or PayPal. 
  • Instant Google Apps Admin credentials delivery by mail.
  • Instant domain push/ transfer to your registrar account.
  • Live support over Team Viewer


The process of transferring of Google Apps account and domain transfer is 100% legal as per Google TOS. It’s just change of Google apps credentials... nothing else. So please buy with full confidence. For more details mail me on 

Basalat Raja

Jun 8, 2014, 1:00:34 PM6/8/14
This no longer works for me. After 9 attempts to go through the Captcha, I gave up. Yes, literally 9.

Vinny P

Jun 21, 2014, 1:04:03 AM6/21/14
On Sun, Jun 8, 2014 at 12:00 PM, Basalat Raja <> wrote:
This no longer works for me. After 9 attempts to go through the Captcha, I gave up. Yes, literally 9.

On the domain mapping page or another page? Can you screenshot the page giving you difficulty and post the image to this thread?

André Pinto

Jan 14, 2015, 8:47:49 AM1/14/15
Hey Greg... hello everyone.
Is that still on?

Is it still able to get 1 user per account for free?
I have bought my domain at and would like to use Google as an e-mail host/providor... for free lol

Is it still possible?

If not, any suggestions on how to? I've also seen a possibility to hot at for free via Windows Live... only needs a domain and nothing more.

What do you say?

Em sexta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2012 01:41:34 UTC-2, Greg D'Alesandre escreveu:
Hello Everyone,

The Apps Standard account you have today will continue to work for free.  If you create a new Apps account going through the App Engine Admin Console you'll still be able to create a Standard Apps account for free but you'll only be able to get 1 user per account rather than the 10 you get today.

Let me know if you have additional questions,

Greg D'Alesandre
Senior Product Manager, Google App Engine
On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 7:00 PM, Nickolas Daskalou <> wrote:
-1 Google.


On 7 December 2012 13:53, Strom <> wrote:
This seems like another nice price increase for GAE.

On Friday, December 7, 2012 4:42:42 AM UTC+2, Greg wrote:
Just saw that Google Apps is no longer free for businesses

I have no problem paying for a Google Apps account where I actually use Google apps, but at the moment you have to have a Google Apps account to link a domain to an Appengine app. Some of our apps have two or three domains showing the same app, and because you need to have an account for each email address that Appengine sends email from, we have three or four accounts per domain. So this is potentially going to add $600 per year to our costs - all for virtual accounts that don't actually use Google Apps at all.

Can someone from Google comment please? Either Google Apps accounts need to remain free if they are associated with Appengine apps, or there needs to be another way to link domains (and authorise email addresses) for Appengine.

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Vinny P

Jan 21, 2015, 2:24:17 AM1/21/15
On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 7:47 AM, André Pinto <> wrote:
Is it still able to get 1 user per account for free?
I have bought my domain at and would like to use Google as an e-mail host/providor... for free lol

Is it still possible? If not, any suggestions on how to? I've also seen a possibility to hot at for free via Windows Live... only needs a domain and nothing more.

No, it's not possible. You'll now have to pay for a Google Apps account, there's no more freebie "1 user per account" provision. As for Windows Live Domains, that offer has also been ended.
-Vinny P
Technology & Media Consultant

André Garcia F. Pinto

Jan 21, 2015, 5:34:36 AM1/21/15
Thank you Vinny!
Bummer that no other service is available for free.

Other question, then:
Google apps seems to be free for existing users before 2012. I do have a google apps acount I had for an old domain. If I log in with my previous account and add my new domain and user there. Would that still be free?



André Garcia F. Pinto
Whatsapp: +55 11 9 8272-2012
Skype: agfp86

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Jan 21, 2015, 11:04:53 AM1/21/15
Yes old Google Apps accounts are grandfathered with the terms of the time they were opened. 

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Philip Kilner

Jan 21, 2015, 12:51:18 PM1/21/15

On 21/01/15 16:04, PK wrote:
> Yes old Google Apps accounts are grandfathered with the terms of the
> time they were opened.


Google recently disabled the ability to add an additional domain to an
existing account - you can now add an alias domain, but not a domain
with distinct email addresses.

Whilst this is a PITA in my particular circumstances, it's not a huge
deal - but there was no announcement, and Google's support folks are
pretending that it has always been that way, which is simply not true.

This has considerably reduced my faith in Google's commitment to not
reducing the functionality of these grandfathered accounts, and I've
essentially stopped starting up new projects in them.




'a bell is a cup...until it is struck'

Vinny P

Jan 21, 2015, 11:23:02 PM1/21/15
You're talking about the difference between adding the domain as a secondary domain/adding it as an alias domain, correct? 

To connect a domain name to App Engine, it's always been recommended to use the domain as a primary or an alias domain on Apps. Configuring it as a secondary domain might give you distinct email accounts, but in my experience that introduces strange issues for Apps management and config - not only for App Engine but other services as well. I understand your point, but at the same time I think the change helps streamline Apps and probably helps reduce support costs as well. Frankly, I've always thought it was strange that Apps had 3 different ways (primary, secondary, alias) of configuring domains.

If you absolutely must have free email accounts, I would suggest looking at your registrar - GoDaddy and other registrars occasionally have sales where they bundle free email or another service with the purchase of a domain. It's entirely possible to configure an alias domain, use it for an App Engine site, but to use an external mail service for that domain.

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Sent from Gmail Mobile

Philip Kilner

Jan 22, 2015, 5:09:01 AM1/22/15
Hi Vinny,

On 22/01/15 04:22, Vinny P wrote:
> You're talking about the difference between adding the domain as a
> secondary domain/adding it as an alias domain, correct?

Yes, I think so - don't recall the term "secondary, but looking at a
paid Google apps account, the option is described as: -

"Add another domain
Manage users and groups at an associated domain that you own,
independently of the primary domain." I think we're talking about the same thing.

> To connect a domain name to App Engine, it's always been recommended to
> use the domain as a primary or an alias domain on Apps. Configuring it
> as a secondary domain might give you distinct email accounts, but in my
> experience that introduces strange issues for Apps management and config
> - not only for App Engine but other services as well. I understand your
> point, but at the same time I think the change helps streamline Apps and
> probably helps reduce support costs as well. Frankly, I've always
> thought it was strange that Apps had 3 different ways (primary,
> secondary, alias) of configuring domains.

Re. problems, I haven't experienced those, but to be honest that's
probably because I'm not doing anything very complicated.

Re. "helps streamline Apps and probably helps reduce support costs", I
don't honestly see that - this change makes the "grandafathered" free
versions different from the standard version in functionality as opposed
to numerical limits (which is surely /less/ streamlined), and given that
were are talking about the unpaid versions I don't supposed an enormous
amount of resource goes into support.

FWIW, although Google have been silent on this issue, there is some
suggestion in the support forums that this was done to prevent abuse,
specifically to prevent people "selling" free apps accounts and using
this mechanism to switch domains. If that's the case, I'm a little
perplexed - seems like a crude way of combating the problem, and it
seems like a problem that is self-limiting in the sense that there can
only be a finite no. of these account out there. More to the point, I
feel as though I'm being punished for someone else's misbehaviour, and
that Google haven't been entirely straight about the fact, the timing,
or the rationale for the change.

It might seem churlish complaining about tweaks to a free service, and I
absolutely do appreciate the fantastic freebie that apps for domains was
(and continues to be, up to a point), but it does constitute a change
when we were told the service would be unchanged, and it does make my
existing accounts much less useful for my purpose, in part because this
has diminished my confidence in continuity of service.

> If you absolutely must have free email accounts, I would suggest looking
> at your registrar - GoDaddy and other registrars occasionally have sales
> where they bundle free email or another service with the purchase of a
> domain. It's entirely possible to configure an alias domain, use it for
> an App Engine site, but to use an external mail service for that domain.

Sure - I run a bunch of servers with Virtualmin on them, so giving
people the ability to create multiple email addresses is not an issue.

For me the issue is that I was able to set up projects with a domain
name, probably only two or three users (one of them me), and hand it
over the user as a coherent whole, where the Google Apps account let
them manage their domain, email, apps and - in some cases - App Engine
apps with a single account.

Knitting together multiple services is fiddly for me, and the result is
messier for my users. What I've come to realise is that the Google
account within the Apps domain was the valuable bit - without that, its
easier to host and deploy elsewhere.

Having said all the above, I recognise that I'm probably not that great
a fit for App Engine, and that this change has just made that clear to
me - my point is merely that this is an unannounced change to the
service, and that for some of us it means that these grandfathered
accounts are no longer useful for new projects.

André Garcia F. Pinto

Jan 22, 2015, 11:37:35 AM1/22/15
I agree with Philip! For someone who has lots of users/projects to manage in Engine, it just makes no more sense. 

My personal "problem" was way simpler than that. I just wanted an e-mail host for my domain but I liked very much the interface by google of managing domain, my own (and oly) user along with all the resources, like Google Drive, calendar, contacts, tasks, etc all integrated... also with my android device.

I have a domain at Namecheap whose e-mail host is OX. Their service is very good, but there is no integration with contacts and calendar and all the cloud advantages.

I just was looking for the best way to have my tools and everything somehow sincronized. 


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