API Explorer not showing the methods.

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Deepesh Mathuria

Feb 16, 2016, 9:15:14 AM2/16/16
to Google App Engine

I  have the following endpoints API code, I was trying to test it on my local server but when I open the API explorer it shows no API method? Is there anything wrong with the code. I've used Objectify 4.0.1 to store the data to datastore

package spi;

import com.google.api.server.spi.config.Api;
import com.google.api.server.spi.config.ApiMethod;
import com.google.api.server.spi.config.ApiMethod.HttpMethod;
import com.google.api.server.spi.response.UnauthorizedException;
import com.google.appengine.api.users.User;
import consts.Constants;
import profile.*;
import static com.googlecode.objectify.ObjectifyService.ofy;
import com.googlecode.objectify.Key;

@Api(name = "mniterp", version = "v1", scopes = { Constants.EMAIL_SCOPE }, clientIds = {
Constants.WEB_CLIENT_ID, Constants.API_EXPLORER_CLIENT_ID }, description = "API for the MNIT ERP Backend application.")
public class ErpEndPoints {

private String mainEmail;
private String genId;
private String userId;
private String displayName;

private static String extractID(String email) {
return email == null ? null : email.substring(0, email.indexOf("@"));

@ApiMethod(name = "loadStudentProfile", path = "loadStudent", httpMethod = HttpMethod.GET)
public StudentProfile loadStudentProfile(final User user) {
Key<StudentProfile> key = Key.create(StudentProfile.class,
StudentProfile sp = (StudentProfile) ofy().load().key(key).get();
return sp;

@ApiMethod(name = "loadFacultyProfile", path = "loadFaculty", httpMethod = HttpMethod.GET)
public FacultyProfile loadFacultyProfile(final User user) {
Key<FacultyProfile> key = Key.create(FacultyProfile.class,
FacultyProfile fp = (FacultyProfile) ofy().load().key(key).get();
return fp;

@ApiMethod(name = "checkUser", path = "user", httpMethod = HttpMethod.GET)
private boolean checkUser(final User user) {
displayName = extractID(user.getEmail());
if (displayName.substring(0, 3).equals("prof")) {
return true;
return false;
/* public void getProfile(final User user) throws UnauthorizedException {
if (user == null) {
throw new UnauthorizedException("Authentication failed!!");
if (!checkUser(user)) {
StudentProfile sp = loadStudentProfile(user);
//return sp;
} else {
FacultyProfile fp = loadFacultyProfile(user);
@ApiMethod(name = "saveFacultyProfile", path = "profile", httpMethod = HttpMethod.POST)
public FacultyProfile saveFacultyProfile(final User user)
 throws UnauthorizedException {

if (user == null) {
throw new UnauthorizedException(
"Authentication Required for logging in");

mainEmail = user.getEmail();
genId = user.getUserId();
userId = extractID(mainEmail);

FacultyProfile fp = new FacultyProfile(mainEmail,genId,userId);
// saves faculty profile object in datastore
return fp;


@ApiMethod(name = "saveStudentProfile", httpMethod = HttpMethod.POST, path="student")
public StudentProfile saveStudentProfile(User user)
throws UnauthorizedException {

if (user == null) {
throw new UnauthorizedException(
"Authentication Required for logging in");

mainEmail = user.getEmail();
genId = user.getUserId();
userId = extractID(mainEmail);

StudentProfile sp = (StudentProfile) ofy().load()
.key(Key.create(StudentProfile.class, genId)).get();
if (sp == null) {
sp = new StudentProfile(mainEmail, genId, userId);
} else {
                 //do nothing
// saves student profile object in datastore
return sp;

Here's the web.xml file

The log says : 
INFO: The admin console is running at http://localhost:8888/_ah/admin
Feb 16, 2016 7:24:17 PM com.google.appengine.tools.development.DevAppServerImpl doStart
INFO: Dev App Server is now running
Feb 16, 2016 7:24:21 PM com.google.api.server.spi.SystemServiceServlet init
INFO: SPI restricted: true

I'm using app engine SDK 1.9.20. Please help me out.


Feb 16, 2016, 11:28:28 AM2/16/16
to Google App Engine

How do I use Explorer with a local HTTP API?

2016年2月16日火曜日 23時15分14秒 UTC+9 Deepesh Mathuria:

Deepesh Mathuria

Feb 17, 2016, 12:06:34 PM2/17/16
to Google App Engine
Thanks man, it worked. Actually I'd seen this solution earlier, but I was setting the flags in the wrong place, that's why it didn't work in the first place.  
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