Is there a way to run local development server for appengine custom runtime?

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Ki Sung Bae

Sep 30, 2017, 10:28:17 PM9/30/17
to Google App Engine
I have 2 services in appengine. One is standard runtime and it pushes taskqueue to other service which runs in custom runtime.
Is there a way to run these all service in local development server? I was using dev_appserver for standard runtime but don't know how to run it for custom runtime.

Kenworth (Google Cloud Platform)

Oct 1, 2017, 4:55:13 PM10/1/17
to Google App Engine
Per this Custom Runtimes docs running on App Engine Flexible Environment:

You run your application locally with the native development tools that you usually use.   
For example, you can download and install Docker to run and test your containerized apps on your local machine.

Attila-Mihaly Balazs

Oct 3, 2017, 2:24:21 AM10/3/17
to Google App Engine
@Kenworth: I believe this isn't what Ki was asking about.

Rather he was asking about how to simulate a mixed deployment (standard + flexible) locally. Ie: some services run standard, some flexible but they can cooperate trough a shared taskqueue,  data store, etc.

In fact this is also something I'm curious about and AFAIK Google has no straight forward solution for this (there is the Google Datastore emulator, but the dev_appserver for the standard environment can't connect to it and also there is no similar emulator for taskqueues).


Ki Sung Bae

Oct 4, 2017, 9:01:06 PM10/4/17
to Google App Engine

@Attila Thanks for clarifying. That' s exactly what I wanted to ask.
@Kenworth Thank you for the link. I could run the custom env service by running docker locally. But it's not integrated with taskqueue and devappserver. As Attila said, what I want to know is a solution to run these thing integrated locally.

On 2017년 10월 3일 (화) 오후 3:24 Attila-Mihaly Balazs <> wrote:

배 기성 (Ki-Sung Bae)
대표, (주) 36스프린츠
mobile: +82-10-8995-8083

Kenworth (Google Cloud Platform)

Oct 5, 2017, 8:55:32 PM10/5/17
to Google App Engine
Unfortunately, this is not yet currently supported. There are a bunch of things that won't work when doing local development on Flex e.g. Memcache (ndb), Datastore, etc. I highly encourage you to submit a feature request as described in this article so that proper attention and weight will be given to it. You can also refer on this thread as background to the request.

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