Frontend Instance Hours quota

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Evgeny Fedosov

Sep 4, 2015, 11:02:45 AM9/4/15
to Google App Engine
I registered a new application that uses Google App engine and faced with a problem. Even though "Frontend Instance Hours" quota is 28 hours I constantly face with a problem that it reaches it's limit even when I do not constantly use the server to send requests. Does anybody know how I can fix this?

Another problem is that even though I received 300$ for free that I can spend during the free trial I can't use them because every time I go to App Engine->Settings and set "Daily budget" to any number I always receive "An error occurred. Some settings may not have been updated successfully" message and I don't know what I am doing wrong.

Does anybody have any idea why I see this error?

Nick (Cloud Platform Support)

Sep 4, 2015, 3:43:14 PM9/4/15
to Google App Engine
Hi Evgeny,

I think the cause for the fact that your app reaches its free quota limit is that an instance-hour is calculated as a multiple of the instance performance class relative to the F1 or B1 standard, any instance spun up will be billed for at least 15 minutes, and multiple instances (due to scaling settings and the request load which will activate them) will also count separately. You can read all about this in the App Engine Pricing page and elsewhere. 

As to your second question, it might help if you could capture a HAR recording of your tab's activity during that action, and attach it to this case. That might show up something useful if we can look into it. 

Best wishes,


Evgeny Fedosov

Sep 7, 2015, 3:19:34 AM9/7/15
Hi Nick,

Thanks for the answers, however I only have one instance running.

Regarding HAR recording - please receive this file (I captured it when I tried to set the daily budget).

Best regards,

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Evgeny Fedosov
Project Manager at Rosberry, Ltd.
skype: jstrannik

Nick (Cloud Platform Support)

Sep 10, 2015, 11:49:17 PM9/10/15
to Google App Engine
Hi Evgeny,

Is this still occurring, or was it a transient issue?



On Sunday, September 6, 2015 at 11:19:34 PM UTC-4, Evgeny Fedosov wrote:
Hi Nick,

Thanks for the answers, however I only have one instance running.

Regarding HAR recording - please receive this file (I captured it when I tried to set the daily budget).

Best regards,

On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 10:43 PM, Nick (Cloud Platform Support) <> wrote:
Hi Evgeny,

I think the cause for the fact that your app reaches its free quota limit is that an instance-hour is calculated as a multiple of the instance performance class relative to the F1 or B1 standard, any instance spun up will be billed for at least 15 minutes, and multiple instances (due to scaling settings and the request load which will activate them) will also count separately. You can read all about this in the App Engine Pricing page and elsewhere. 

As to your second question, it might help if you could capture a HAR recording of your tab's activity during that action, and attach it to this case. That might show up something useful if we can look into it. 

Best wishes,


On Friday, September 4, 2015 at 7:02:45 AM UTC-4, Evgeny Fedosov wrote:
I registered a new application that uses Google App engine and faced with a problem. Even though "Frontend Instance Hours" quota is 28 hours I constantly face with a problem that it reaches it's limit even when I do not constantly use the server to send requests. Does anybody know how I can fix this?

Another problem is that even though I received 300$ for free that I can spend during the free trial I can't use them because every time I go to App Engine->Settings and set "Daily budget" to any number I always receive "An error occurred. Some settings may not have been updated successfully" message and I don't know what I am doing wrong.

Does anybody have any idea why I see this error?

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Evgeny Fedosov

Sep 11, 2015, 2:11:34 AM9/11/15
Hi Nick,

Unfortunately, I still experience this issue.


On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 5:49 AM, Nick (Cloud Platform Support) <> wrote:
Hi Evgeny,

Is this still occurring, or was it a transient issue?



On Sunday, September 6, 2015 at 11:19:34 PM UTC-4, Evgeny Fedosov wrote:
Hi Nick,

Thanks for the answers, however I only have one instance running.

Regarding HAR recording - please receive this file (I captured it when I tried to set the daily budget).

Best regards,

On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 10:43 PM, Nick (Cloud Platform Support) <> wrote:
Hi Evgeny,

I think the cause for the fact that your app reaches its free quota limit is that an instance-hour is calculated as a multiple of the instance performance class relative to the F1 or B1 standard, any instance spun up will be billed for at least 15 minutes, and multiple instances (due to scaling settings and the request load which will activate them) will also count separately. You can read all about this in the App Engine Pricing page and elsewhere. 

As to your second question, it might help if you could capture a HAR recording of your tab's activity during that action, and attach it to this case. That might show up something useful if we can look into it. 

Best wishes,


On Friday, September 4, 2015 at 7:02:45 AM UTC-4, Evgeny Fedosov wrote:
I registered a new application that uses Google App engine and faced with a problem. Even though "Frontend Instance Hours" quota is 28 hours I constantly face with a problem that it reaches it's limit even when I do not constantly use the server to send requests. Does anybody know how I can fix this?

Another problem is that even though I received 300$ for free that I can spend during the free trial I can't use them because every time I go to App Engine->Settings and set "Daily budget" to any number I always receive "An error occurred. Some settings may not have been updated successfully" message and I don't know what I am doing wrong.

Does anybody have any idea why I see this error?

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Evgeny Fedosov
Project Manager at Rosberry, Ltd.
skype: jstrannik

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Alistair Burrowes

Sep 11, 2015, 2:30:52 AM9/11/15
to Google App Engine

I had the same issue with updating daily budget and getting an error. I reported it via the feedback help button whatever in the top and it started working again in about an hour.

In terms of instance hours do you have multiple modules because they will each have an instance?

Evgeny Fedosov

Sep 11, 2015, 3:06:15 AM9/11/15

Thanks for the answer, I also reported this issue via feedback button.

And I have only one module (frontend) that is why I was surprised to see that I reached instance hours limit.


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Evgeny Fedosov

Sep 11, 2015, 4:49:02 AM9/11/15
Hi Nick,

Do you have a solution for this problem? Unfortunately, we can't properly test the application we're developing because we often reach limits and the Google engine app stops working.

Thanks in advance,

Evgeny Fedosov

Sep 14, 2015, 5:18:26 AM9/14/15
Hi Nick,

Any ideas how to fix the problem with setting up the daily budget? I still see the same error message.


Nick (Cloud Platform Support)

Sep 14, 2015, 8:44:44 PM9/14/15
to Google App Engine
Hey Evgeny,

Is it possible that your app is still in free trial mode, with no billing set-up? This might prevent you from setting a daily budget and would also explain why you're seeing your instance hours exhausted so quickly.

Best wishes,

Hi Evgeny,

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Evgeny Fedosov
Project Manager at Rosberry, Ltd.
skype: jstrannik

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Evgeny Fedosov
Project Manager at Rosberry, Ltd.
skype: jstrannik

Evgeny Fedosov
Project Manager at Rosberry, Ltd.
skype: jstrannik

Evgeny Fedosov

Sep 15, 2015, 5:39:26 AM9/15/15
Hey Nick,

Yes, the app is in free trial mode with no billing set-up. I should add a credit card and everything will be working fine?


Hi Evgeny,

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Evgeny Fedosov
Project Manager at Rosberry, Ltd.
skype: jstrannik

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Evgeny Fedosov
Project Manager at Rosberry, Ltd.
skype: jstrannik

Evgeny Fedosov
Project Manager at Rosberry, Ltd.
skype: jstrannik

Evgeny Fedosov
Project Manager at Rosberry, Ltd.
skype: jstrannik

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Nick (Cloud Platform Support)

Sep 16, 2015, 11:19:20 PM9/16/15
to Google App Engine
Hey Evgeny,

Yes, that sounds like what's needed here. You unlock a higher tier of free quota just by signing up, although you can use the App Engine daily budget to set a limit of 0, meaning your service will simply hard-error if the quota fills up to the point of incurring a charge. Of course you can set the daily budget higher once you want to use the service to any significant level.

Best wishes,

Hi Evgeny,

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Evgeny Fedosov
Project Manager at Rosberry, Ltd.
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Evgeny Fedosov
Project Manager at Rosberry, Ltd.
skype: jstrannik

Evgeny Fedosov
Project Manager at Rosberry, Ltd.
skype: jstrannik

Evgeny Fedosov
Project Manager at Rosberry, Ltd.
skype: jstrannik

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