HRD Migration failed (got stuck at reverting). And few thoughts on customer support

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Alexander Trakhimenok

Jul 10, 2012, 3:20:18 AM7/10/12
Hello Google AppEngine team and GAE developers,

Just a heads up on status of migration tool (for devs to be aware and prepared) and am begging for support from Google.

We have a major release that migrates our app from M/S to HRD (with all the goodies like XA transaction & Full Text Search) that was supposed to be executed a week ago.

First we hit 2 bugs in HRD migration tool:
  1. Migration failed due to old unindexed string properties with values > 500 chars (it was possible to save such in old SDK). Fixed by re-putting entities ourselves by executing map/reduce.
  2. Migration failed due to blob reference key to non existed blobs (there are no reference constrains so no wonder we had a few in DB). Fixed ourselves by removing bad references using map/reduce.
For those 2 issues we have a production issue ticket:

Once this was fixed by us after getting information on root cause from Google (there is no way to find errors details by yourself) we decided to revert migration and execute it from scratch. And I guess it was our mistake.

The migration process got stuck in "Sync - Reverting..." state for 4 days by now:


I've raised a separate issue for this 3 days ago:

Still no answer after 24 hours.

To developers:
  1. I advise you to check your data before migration for those 2 issues described above.
  2. Try avoiding reverting if possible
To Google GAE team:
  1. It would be VERY cool for us (GAE customer) to be able to see error logs for the migration process.
  2. It would be VERY-VERY cool to get response on production issues at least in 1 working day (24 hours). We are paying customers and while nto BIG ones but w do spend around $1K per month on GAE and do expect some support. Why don't hire at least 1 person who would manage tickets and be responsible for keeping your customers updated?
  3. Please help us to migrate to HRD - we are eager to move!
  4. And thanks for the wonderful platform!
Happy coding to everyone.

Alex - Powered by GAE

Takashi Matsuo

Jul 10, 2012, 7:26:53 PM7/10/12

Hi Alex,

I've just restarted the job, because I think you have removed the non-existing blob reference.
Please let us know if it completes(or fails).


-- Takashi

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Takashi Matsuo
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