Cloud Storage ops price misreported on dashboard?

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Simon Green

Feb 12, 2016, 12:20:38 PM2/12/16
to Google App Engine
I'm migrating an app from Amazon to Google and part of it involves copying some photos from S3 to GCS. I have a task running which iterates over the datastore to copy the image for each entry and replace the location reference. I'm not in any rush so it's just doing them one at a time and chugging along running on App Engine classic F1, copying a file every few seconds.

Throughout the day I regularly check on the task queue, the datastore, the logs (both App Engine and Amazon) and the GCS bucket and everything is working as expected. I expect it will cost a few dollars based on my calculations.

Then one time the dashboard tries to kill me by reporting that I will owe $190,000+ Eek! What happened to the $10 daily limit I set as a safety net?!

So of course I immediately stop everything, report the issue with the dashboard feedback option and open a support ticket and have waited a few days but still haven't heard anything back from anyone.

I am completely confident that the price reported is wrong but I still have to go through and double or triple check everything and it's rather concerning. I'm almost afraid to let anything run but I added more logging and restarted the task and also started looking up flights to south america to possibly begin my new life as a fugitive. It seems that once the number of ops goes over 50,000 (free daily allowance?) the price displayed suddenly starts jumping up by huge amounts.

Here's snippets from screenshots taken a couple of minutes apart (literally, between going to the task queue page to pause it and coming back to double check).

It seems like it's expecting to charge $10 per each billable op, not for a million of them but then the bill was almost exactly a million times higher than I was expecting it to be.

So my questions are:

* It is a misreporting issue ... right? I mean, I know it has to be, but such big numbers are scary and I want to be sure. Please tell me it is, please (yeah, no desperate panic, keeping calm ... breathe ...)

* Would the daily billing limit definitely protect against things like this if my code was actually trying to use that level of resources? I tried to find a definitive answer as to what it covered and what it didn't (specifically GCS) and couldn't find one.

Many thanks

Nick (Cloud Platform Support)

Feb 12, 2016, 4:53:39 PM2/12/16
to Google App Engine
Hi Simon,

The documentation related to Daily Budget explains that it covers App Engine resources only, and is set in the App Engine section of the console. Cloud Storage is not coveed by this limit. Given that you have a case open, it's best to continue to follow up through that medium. I wish you all the best of luck.



Simon Green

Feb 12, 2016, 5:44:21 PM2/12/16
to Google App Engine
Thanks for the reply Nick

That does seem to be a misleading UI layout having the usage and costs listed under the Billing Status and Daily Budget heading if they are in fact completely unconnected. It would be better to not have them there at all (why not include all the GCE usage as well?). Maybe it's because it used to be Blob Storage which was more tied to AppEngine?

I'll wait to hear back from the ticket but I'm kind of stuck in the meantime because of the lack of certainty which is very frustrating.


Lorne Kligerman

Feb 12, 2016, 6:21:20 PM2/12/16
to Google App Engine
Hi Simon,

This is in fact an issue within the Cloud Console on the reporting side.  We have confirmed that the bill is unaffected so there is nothing to worry about.  A fix will be coming shortly.


Simon Green

Feb 12, 2016, 6:33:02 PM2/12/16
to Google App Engine
Thank you Lorne, that's a relief.!

Glad I can carry on with the migration now :)

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