I'm attempting to retrieve image serving URLS as specified here: https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/go/images/
On my deployed app version, this WAI. However, the when running locally on dev, the returned URLS do not work.
In the dev server, image.ServingURL returns a URL such as However, when I navigate to the url on my dev server host machine, I see the following error on the server logs:
blob_image.py:199] The blobkey a3VtaW4tcHVibGljLWFzc2V0cy9pbmZsdWVuY2VyLXBob3Rvcy9LcnljaGVsZSBWYWxlbnp1ZWxhIC0gUGhvdG9zL0lNR18xMDA4LmpwZw has not registered for image serving. Please ensure get_serving_url is called before attempting to serve blobs.
This is difficult to debug as I can't seem to locate meaningful documentation on dev server expected behavior. Is it possible for the dev server to handle the URLs it returns from image.ServingURL?