The document of Go 1.11 seems not sufficient as a first generation runtime.
Go 1.11 seems to become the last of first generation Go runtime which supports App Engine API and survive until first generation is terminated
because deprecation of Go 1.9 is announced and Go 1.12 is released as a second generation runtime which don't support App Engine API.
For example, if the application uses App Engine API, is needed but it is not documented.
It seems to be frequently discussed in this group.
I did sometime read Go 1.9 docs to use Go 1.11 runtime. Go 1.11 runtime docs is not self-contained.
I know the App Engine API will be gone in future and the migration to open API is strongly recommended but the migration is not low-hanging fruit as discussed in App Engine groups.
Some APIs don't yet have sufficient migrate paths.
For those who migrates from 1.9 to 1.11 needed immediately, description about maintaining apps using App Engine API is needed in short/middle term.
Please add more documents about features which are not recommended but yet supported.