Sending email ignores "from" header and doesn't display proper Gmail name

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Sep 19, 2016, 6:44:16 PM9/19/16
to Google API Python Client, John Dempsey

When I am sending emails via python script, no matter what I set the "from" field as, the email shows up as "info".  The email address that I am sending from an "info@***.com" email address, but I want it to show up in the email as from "Special Committee".  This is the name that is associated with the Gmail account and what happens when I send emails from that account normally.

I understand Gmail might be ignoring the 'from' header to prevent spoofing, but is there any way to get the proper gmail name to display when I am sending emails from the API?

excerpt from my Python script.

  message = MIMEText(message_text)
  message['from'] = "me"
  message['to'] = to

  message['subject'] = subject
  print message.as_string()
  return {'raw': base64.urlsafe_b64encode(message.as_string())}

John Asmuth

Sep 19, 2016, 7:03:49 PM9/19/16
to Google API Python Client, John Dempsey

Try "\"Special Committee\" info@***.com".

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Sep 20, 2016, 11:39:14 AM9/20/16
to Google API Python Client,
Nope, tried both "\"Special Committee\" info@***.com" and "\"Special Committee\" <info@***.com>".  

Oddly enough, under Settings > Accounts > Send mail as, it shows "Special Committee".  So, I don't get why the API doesn't use this or if there's a way to set/override that in my python script.
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