Blog Post Content retrieval

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Andy McMenemy

Jun 20, 2016, 12:13:59 PM6/20/16
to Google API Python Client
I have been using Python to write some code to retrieve some of  my old blog posts. In general, the code seems to work and I have "apparently" managed to retrieve about a thousand entries. On checking, however, the blog content seems to be inconsistent.

The code is:
request = posts.get(blogId=blog['id'],postId=post['id'])
post_content = request.execute()
print('Content: %s:' % post_content['content'])

and a blog entry that says:
<span style="font-family: &quot;verdana&quot;;">I have finally succumbed to the hype, and this is the opening entry for the Gorse Fox's web log.
<br />Not totally sure how I will use it yet. I guess it will evolve and flourish, or wither and fade. Welcome to my world !

actually get returned as:
<br /></span>ally sure how I will use it yet. I guess it will evolve and flourish, or wither and fade. Welcome to my world !web log. 

Can anyone offer any ideas? 
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