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Error in Google Speech Api

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udit gurani

Sep 27, 2018, 2:57:19 PM9/27/18
to google-api-java-client

i am using Google Cloud Api Streaming Grpc. i am facing a following issue
1.In low bandwidth i got an in error Audio Stream is to slow
2.Also due low network Sometime it takes 3-5 sec to give me error and takes time stop grpc and sometimes it takes more time. it looks not good if user syntax not print at that particular time
then i try to use Android Speech Recogition Api with Cloud Speech Api.
But it only allow one Api at one time either use Audio manager or Speech Recognition .

Is there anyone help me on it. if user not getting error after 3 5 second or getting a error from google Speech Api . User Speech will convert his speech to text.and printed on label.

Jeff Ching

Sep 27, 2018, 3:41:34 PM9/27/18
to google-api-java-client
For Google Cloud APIs, please file issues against:
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