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Issue with UserInfo Id property Changing for users

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Roy Pombeiro

Aug 31, 2017, 2:49:02 PM8/31/17
to google-api-java-client

I am running into an issue where the userinfo id has changed for several of our users.  When a user signs up or links a google login account with our service for the first time, we store the id off the userinfoplus model to reference later.  When the user logs into our service via google login, i will compare the userinfoplus id value with what we have stored for the user when they first made the link.  This has been working for several years until recently.  For the past week. my service logs are showing that the id of the "UserInfo"  has changed and as a result some of our users are not able to login into our system.  Did Google change these id's recently for existing users?

I can provide the id's of the userinfo for a user if I can speak to someone at google's support so we can debug this problem.

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