Why did I fail to log in to Google Account for the first time using FireBase???

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Jun 12, 2018, 12:03:16 PM6/12/18
to google-api-java-client
I wrote a demo that integrates FireBase's ability to login Google Accounts.But I encountered a strange problem: The first login to the Google account failed, I found the error message by means of debug :statusCode=INTERNAL_ERROR.

However, the failure to login Google account due to this error will occur only when the login button is clicked for the first time. When the login button is clicked the second time, no error occurs.

As shown in the attachment video .

The strange part of this problem is that when first login Google account, the method onActivityResult will not be called,the screen seems to have a layer of gray masking. Clicking on the current gray screen, the onActivityResult method will Callback, then error: statusCode=INTERNAL_ERROR.

This problem is really weird, because a month ago, I actually integrated Firebase's login to Google account in my application. At that time, I logged in normally. For more than a month, I haven't changed our project. Code, but I can't login my Google account.

Someone who knows how to solve this problem ?This problem has been plaguing me for a long time. We are very anxious about this project cycle. If you can provide solutions or ideas for solving problems, it is really grateful !
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