Cannot find Timing hits in GA

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Madison Miner

Jul 21, 2015, 2:05:53 PM7/21/15
I'm using the GA Measurement Protocol to analyze traffic to my site. 

I cannot use the GA JavaScript, however I would like to record similar data using GA Measurement Protocol.

I'm currently recording pageviews using the GA Measurement Protocol and it is working great, however the Page Load Time and Content Load Time are not yet being recorded. 

I tried simply adding the plt and clt parameters to the pageview request, but this did not work. Not surprising since the plt and clt are only supported by the timing hit type. 

So now I'm making two GA Measurement Protocol request for each pageview, one to log the pageview and one to log the timing (plt and clt).

However I cannot find my plt or clt data anywhere in the GA dashboard. 

Here is an example request, this request works fine when posted to the "" url (service return "valid = true").


Any ideas why the Timing data is not appearing? 

Is there a better way to track the CLT and PLT with GA Measurement Protocol?


Philip Walton

Jul 21, 2015, 7:20:27 PM7/21/15
to Madison Miner,
Are you creating a custom report or just looking at the "Site Speed > Page Timings" view in GA?

If you're creating a custom report or using the Query Explorer, you can use the various Site Speed metrics. Here's an example report that uses ga:avgDomContentLoadedTime and ga:avgPageLoadTime.

If you're just looking at the "Site Speed > Page Timings" report, its possible your hits aren't showing up because you're not specifying a page URL via the dp or dl parameters. That's just a guess, but it seems to be the most likely reason.

Here's an example page timing hit sent from my website via analytics.js, you can compare the parameters used with your hit above and see if any of the difference are significant.

I'll be curious to heard what you discover!


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Madison Miner

Jul 21, 2015, 8:40:52 PM7/21/15
to google-analytics-measurement-protocol
Hi Philip, thanks for the response. 

I'm just looking at Site Speed > Page Timings. I have not yet created a custom report. 

If you look carefully at my sample request I am specifying a dl parameter. 

Any other ideas? 

Thanks again!

Philip Walton

Jul 22, 2015, 3:00:45 PM7/22/15
to Madison Miner, google-analytics-measurement-protocol
Ahh, my mistake, I missed that somehow.

At this point, I'm not sure what to tell you. It's possible that the Page Timings report requires all those timing fields to be sent in order to work. You could try sending all the other fields and see if that changes anything.

I'd also try querying the data from a custom report to see if you can access it. If you can, then you at least know it's being processed, and a custom report may be sufficient for your needs.

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