Sorry for the slight bit of confusion. But the first message I sent with the API GET request was one in which I was testing with different values for the profile id.
I just ran the whole test again:
* Successful OAuth2 token request - I get back an http status 200 with <access_token>
-- with http header: "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
* Receive a 403 forbidden
I can look at the GA reports from the web interface for this profile and I believe I am an admin for this profile.
Also, I have run through the google php api client and I get the same response back using that.
Should I be attempting to use the "Simple API Access" key approach? My understanding on that is that I would need to perform a "clientlogin" for that approach to work, but then I have seen some notes in these forums which state that the clientlogin / simple api access approach does not work for V3.
Can anyone provide a little guidance?