what is organicsearches?

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Jan 29, 2011, 1:38:52 PM1/29/11
to google-analytics...@googlegroups.com
I don't understand the short description of the organicseaches, which is one of new metrics.
"The number of organic searches that happened within a session, This metric is search engine agnostic"

Does the nubmer mean:
when someone visits my site and then visits again by another seaches during the same session? 
And the metrics are below in this case?
organicseaches => 2, visits => 1

I checked numbers in several sites I have.
The number of organicsearches are far from the number of visits, which seems to me are very strange.
Some organicsearches are much higher than visits and some are less than visis.

I checked the web UI report if the term of organicseaches is used, which I hoped would give me a hint.
But I did not find the word "organicsearches".

Does anyone explain me what is the organicsearches and how this metric count the data(pageviews or visits?).


Feb 2, 2011, 5:26:34 PM2/2/11
to google-analytics...@googlegroups.com

The data counts a hybrid of sessions (visits) and pageviews.

Right now Google Analytics allows you to have multiple campaigns per session where the last click gets credit for the entire session.
So organic -> organic -> ppc will result in ppc being reported for the session.

This new metric will now also report 2 for organic searches, where as before you would not have been able to get this.



Feb 4, 2011, 10:42:20 AM2/4/11
to google-analytics...@googlegroups.com
Thanks Nick for clear explanations.

But still I remain confused.
I query kind of , 
"dim = ga:keword,ga:medium  metrics = ga:organicSearches, ga:visits"(not correct form though), 

A few of data entries showed keyword=xxx, medium=organic, organicSearches=0, visits=1 or 2 or more, 
which should have show the number of organicSearches is greater than visits.

This is very few(less than 5% of entries). But I don't get the clear understanding.

It's not an urgent question, just want to clarify my confusing if I would missed something. 
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