Google Analytics Data API Updates: new dimensions and metrics

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Ilya Kuleshov

Mar 7, 2023, 5:43:44 PM3/7/23
to Google Analytics API Notify
On behalf of the Google Analytics team I would like to announce the following updates to the Google Analytics Data API:

New dimensions added to the API Schema:
  • dayOfWeekName Day of week name. The day of the week in English. This dimension has values of SundayMonday, etc.

  • isoWeek ISO week of the year. ISO week number, where each week starts on Monday. For details, see Example values include 0102, & 53.

  • isoYear ISO year. The ISO year of the event. For details, see Example values include 2022 & 2023.

  • isoYearIsoWeek ISO week of ISO year. The combined values of isoWeek and isoYear. Example values include 201652 & 201701.

  • yearMonth Year month. The combined values of year and month. Example values include 202212 or 202301.

  • yearWeek Year week. The combined values of year and week. Example values include 202253 or 202301.

  • itemListPosition Item list position. The position of an item (e.g., a product you sell) in a list. This dimension is populated in tagging by the 'index' parameter in the items array.

  • itemLocationID Item location ID. The physical location associated with the item (e.g. the physical store location). It's recommended to use the Google Place ID that corresponds to the associated item. A custom location ID can also be used. This field is populated in tagging by the 'location_id' parameter in the items array.

  • itemPromotionCreativeSlot Item promotion creative slot. The name of the promotional creative slot associated with the item. This dimension can be specified in tagging by the creative_slot parameter at the event or item level. If the parameter is specified at both the event & item level, the item-level parameter is used.

  • landingPagePlusQueryString Landing page + query string. The page path + query string associated with the first pageview in a session. Note: This field replaces the landingPage dimension which is deprecated and will be updated to not return a query string on May 14, 2023.
  • continent Continent. The continent from which the user activity originated. For example, Americas or Asia.

  • continentId Continent ID. The geographic ID of the continent from which the user activity originated, derived from their IP address.

  • testDataFilterId Test data filter ID. The numeric identifier of a data filter in testing state. You use data filters to include or exclude event data from your reports based on event-parameter values. To learn more, see

New metrics
 added to the API Schema:
  • screenPageViewsPerUser Views per user. The number of app screens or web pages your users viewed per active user. Repeated views of a single page or screen are counted. (screen_view + page_view events) / active users.

  • scrolledUsers Scrolled users. The number of unique users who scrolled down at least 90% of the page.


As part of the testing process, we kindly ask you to answer a quick Google Analytics 4 APIs Tester Survey and provide any feedback you have regarding the testing experience.

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