Jeremy R. Geerdes
Generally Cool Guy
Des Moines, IA
For more information or a project quote:
If you're in the Des Moines, IA, area, check out Debra Heights Wesleyan Church!
On Feb 21, 2011, at 1:42 AM, blutarsky wrote:
> I see that Google Labs allow Translate API V2. Was wondering if
> somebody is using this new version and what's new, compared to v1
> --
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Jeremy R. Geerdes
Generally Cool Guy
Des Moines, IA
For more information or a project quote:
If you're in the Des Moines, IA, area, check out Debra Heights Wesleyan Church!
On Feb 21, 2011, at 7:22 AM, blutarsky wrote:
> Does the new API, V2, improves translations? I have to admit that on
> some languages, V1 is quite poor....
> On Feb 21, 1:56 pm, Zdravko Gligic <> wrote:
>> The biggest problem with the new quotas is that new projects, which
>> usually come about from raw ideas that are funded on shoe string
>> budgets, they have to make totally blind investments on nothing more
>> than a hope that once fully done, they may end up being compliant. The
>> whole approach is totally unreasonable solely because it is totally
>> after the fact. The whole approach may make lots of sense if it was
>> based on submission and pre-approval of ideas and/or business plans.
>> Otherwise, it is at best an irresponsible game of Russian roulette.
>> As a result, I for one, am staying put on v1 for another year or two,
>> until the whole dust settles and until the whole thing matures - not
>> in technical but in business sense.
>> On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 7:39 AM, Jeremy Geerdes <> wrote:
>>> I think there are a few people using it. :) API v2 is a ground-up rebuild of the Translate API. It's built on a different backend infrastructure, and it's designed solely for RESTful interface (i.e., there is no Google-provided JS wrapper). It returns JSON, but the response structure is a different than v1. The biggest difference is that you must now manage the API via the API Console ( Through the console, you need to activate the API by obtaining a key for each application that you develop. Additionally, v2 comes with a standard 100,000 characters/day limit on translations. You may be able to up this limit by requesting additional quota through the console, but I have no information on the criteria the team uses to approve or deny such requests or the timeframe required to do so.
>>> Jeremy R. Geerdes
>>> Generally Cool Guy
>>> Des Moines, IA
>>> For more information or a project quote:
>>> If you're in the Des Moines, IA, area, check out Debra Heights Wesleyan Church!
>>> On Feb 21, 2011, at 1:42 AM, blutarsky wrote:
>>>> I see that Google Labs allow Translate API V2. Was wondering if
>>>> somebody is using this new version and what's new, compared to v1
>>>> --
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>>>> To post to this group, send email to
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>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Google AJAX APIs" group.
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Jeremy R. Geerdes
Generally Cool Guy
Des Moines, IA
For more information or a project quote:
If you're in the Des Moines, IA, area, check out Debra Heights Wesleyan Church!
Let me give you a concrete example. Suppose that I wanted to develop
a forum/chat like application in which I wanted to translate all of
the postings and suppose that such a chat had no advertising on it and
suppose that it was freely accessible to everyone. Would that be TOS
compliant. Why not, right? Now, what about quotas? Actually, never
mind even some form of quotas per participant, as one may wish to
spread the joys of such internet goodness to as many people as
possible ... OOOPS ! WRONG ANSWER ! ... the quotas as for the whole
app, for all of the users.
So, do I hope that it succeeds or do I hope that it does but not too
much, just so that its success does not tripping up its users ?!?
This whole mess is reminiscent of that whole problem that small start
ups face with possibly "getting slash dotted" without being hosted on
an infrastructure that can handle millions of visitors as well as it
can handle a single one - JUST IN CASE MORE THAN ONE SHOWS UP !!!