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google Transliterate (Deprecated) is not working.

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suraj kumar

Jun 12, 2020, 10:12:34 AM6/12/20
to Google AJAX APIs
Hi All, 

I am observing some error with google Transliterate to translate text in any other language. even it is not working for demo of Transliterate. I have attached the link of the demo given by the google to  Transliterate the text.

Actually I am observing this error shown in below image

Supriyo Sen

Jun 16, 2020, 4:47:14 PM6/16/20
to Google AJAX APIs
I have been using the  Transliterate API for many years. It stopped working 2 days ago. I use Bengali & get exactly the same error message as Suraj Kumar. Is there some way to bypass the errors?

Even though this product is deprecated, I expected the examples in the documentation to continue to work. It would be great to get an example of the way  the errors can be avoided. A solution for Suraj Kumar for Hindi can be adapted to Bengali. I look forward to a response. Thanks.
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