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WebFont is not minified

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Dan Moore

Nov 10, 2019, 6:55:20 PM11/10/19
to Google AJAX APIs
For some reason, the minified file from the webfont repo is different than the version hosted by

The ajax google hosted version contains an extra license at the top of it.

Any ideas why?


Philipp Wollermann

Nov 11, 2019, 4:56:01 AM11/11/19
to Google AJAX APIs
Hi Dan,

that's a good question. Hosted Libraries aims to host exactly the same files as provided by upstream sources and it seems like this might not have happened here.

My guess at what happened is this:
We take great care at Google to correctly document the license and authorship of any third-party code. Sometimes this means that we have to add a license header in case the original files are missing one.
For Hosted Libraries we have an exception that we can serve unmodified copies of the original files, but maybe in this case the reviewer wasn't aware and a header was added by mistake.

I researched a bit about the extra license in that file. The Web Font Loader was co-developed by Typekit and Google.
Historically, Typekit was run by Small Batch Inc. which was acquired by Adobe in 2011 (, so this is just the old name in the copyright and not some other, unrelated company.
The license of Web Font Loader has been Apache 2.0 since the beginning (, so the extra header is just stating that fact again.

I hope this helps! Sorry for the confusion.

Kind regards,

Dan Moore

Nov 26, 2019, 3:01:15 PM11/26/19
to Google AJAX APIs
Thanks for the reply Philipp.
I found this because that license is pretty big for a minified js file. We ended up hosting it ourselves since we were getting some warnings from Google Lighthouse on optimizing our production files for smaller sizes.

Just a heads up.
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