AdSense API will stop returning AdMob data on October 12, 2021

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Amira Badreldin

Apr 30, 2021, 7:24:32 PM4/30/21
to AdMob API Developer Forum

On October 12, 2021, AdMob metrics will be deprecated in the AdSense API. If you use the AdSense API to access AdMob data, you’ll need to migrate to the AdMob API as soon as possible to ensure continuity. 

Take a look at the migration guide for step-by-step instructions. You can also use the following resources:

If you have any questions about migrating, feel free to post a question in this forum. For API suggestions or improvements, you can share feedback with the AdMob API team via this form

Thank you,

Amira Badreldin, AdMob API Team


May 6, 2021, 5:21:13 AM5/6/21
to AdMob API Developer Forum
I Got the notification about  " AdMob metrics will be deprecated in the AdSense API ".
but I just manage my admob accout through adsense (
for sharing admob permission with my colleague
Is it means that I can't do it anymore? 在 2021年5月1日 星期六上午7:24:32 [UTC+8] 的信中寫道:

AdMob API Forum Advisor

May 11, 2021, 4:27:33 PM5/11/21
Hello there,

Thank you for reaching out on the forum. If you are using the AdSense Management API to retrieve AdMob data programmatically, then you will need to migrate to the AdMob API as soon as possible to ensure continuity. The AdSense Management API will no longer return AdMob data after October 12th, 2021.

Thank you,
Google Logo
Amira Badreldin
AdMob API Team

Help us improve the AdMob API,
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Chris Hefferman

Aug 16, 2021, 5:52:26 PM8/16/21
to AdMob API Developer Forum
Hi there, 

I have a few questions if possible that i've not been able to find answered in the documentation: 

1. Is it possible to find out whether a user is using an AdMob or an AdSense account? 
2. Does the AdMob API have access to Payment details, such as: 
  • Earnings made previous month
  • Earnings not yet paid D
  • Date of last payment
3. If a user has an AdSense account and not an AdMob account, I assume we would need to update to v2 of the AdSense Management API? 
4. Likewise, if a user has an AdMob account,  then we would need to use v1 of the AdMob API instead? 
5. Lastly, I use an AdMob account, however when querying the accounts.reports.generate on v2 of the AdSense Management API the response body does not include the header of 'totals' - is this because there are no totals now that this is all being done via AdMob? 

Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it :-) 

AdMob API Forum Support

Aug 19, 2021, 10:29:34 PM8/19/21
Hello there,

I have included responses to your questions or follow up questions below.

1. Is it possible to find out whether a user is using an AdMob or an AdSense account?

An AdMob account requires an AdSense account, for more details please see this article

2. Does the AdMob API have access to Payment details?

At the moment, the AdMob API does not have access to payment details.

3. If a user has an AdSense account and not an AdMob account, I assume we would need to update to v2 of the AdSense Management API? 

Yes, version 1.4 of the AdSense Management API is now deprecated, and it will sunset on October 12, 2021. For additional questions on the AdSense API, I recommend reaching out to the AdSense API Technical Forum.

4. Likewise, if a user has an AdMob account,  then we would need to use v1 of the AdMob API instead? 

Yes, on October 12, 2021, AdMob metrics will be deprecated in the AdSense API. If you currently use the AdSense API to access AdMob data, you’ll need to migrate to the AdMob API.

5. Lastly, I use an AdMob account, however when querying the accounts.reports.generate on v2 of the AdSense Management API the response body does not include the header of 'totals' - is this because there are no totals now that this is all being done via AdMob? 

AdMob data is no longer being returned in v2 of the AdSense Management API. For additional questions on the AdSense API, I recommend reaching out to the AdSense API Technical Forum.

All the best,

Google Logo
Amira Badreldin
AdMob API Team

Help us improve the AdMob API,
share your feedback!


Vlad Popa

Aug 20, 2021, 6:54:59 AM8/20/21
to AdMob API Developer Forum
Can someone make me understand what this Admob API is?
I use admob to display ads in my mobile games. 
Does this mean that starting  October 12 I won't be able to se any metrics in the Admob dashboard if I don't migrate to Admob API?
Thank you,

AdMob API Forum Support

Aug 30, 2021, 5:23:18 PM8/30/21
Hello there,

Thank you for reaching out on the forum. If you are using the AdSense Management API to retrieve AdMob data programmatically, then you will need to migrate to the AdMob API as soon as possible to ensure continuity.

If you are not currently using the AdSense Management API to retrieve AdMob data, then no action is required. This does not affect the AdMob UI.

Thank you,

Article Developer AdMob

Sep 4, 2021, 2:20:25 PM9/4/21
to AdMob API Developer Forum
Hello everyone   
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