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AdMob mediation with Meta can't show test Ad on IOS

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Ken Cheng

Nov 2, 2023, 9:58:29 PM11/2/23
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers

I have follow the procedure on to use adMob mediation with Meta.  But after a few try then can download the test ad from Meta, it always response with "Request Error: No ad to show"

I have done the following setup already.
1.  I have success created an account at Meta for Monetization Manager. 
2.  I have created a property of our mobile application for iOS and Android.
3.  I have created Banner and Interstitial placement for IOS and Android
4.  I map the corresponding placement to adMob ad unit in the mediation group at Admob web console.
5.  I have add testing user account to test user  , add my devices to Test device at Meta and enable the Test mode at meta.
6.  I setup the Meta Audience Network SDK and adapter.
7.  I add the code to enable Advertising tracking.
8.  I have checked that the SKAdNetwork configuration already included.
9.  In the testing iOS devices, I have install the Facebook app and login with the testing user.
10.  When I open the ad inspector, I can see the Meta Audience Network in the Adapters tab and shown "v. initialized".

But after success load the testing ad below 20 times on iOS, then I find I am not able to load the testing ad anymore.  During testing , I have used the ad inspector to selected Meta Audience Network (Bidding) as the Single Ad source test.

But I have no issue to display the testing ad from Meta at Android.

Are there any steps I have missing?  Or where could I get the support to solve this issue?

Looking forward for your help.

Ken Cheng

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Nov 3, 2023, 12:53:32 AM11/3/23

Hi Ken Cheng, 

Thank you for contacting the Mobile Ads SDK support team.

By reviewing your concern, I understand that you are facing a “No ad to show” error. Kindly provide the below information via “Reply to author” for further investigation:

  • app ID
  • ad unit ID
  • Mobile Ads SDK Version
  • Platform being used
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Ken Cheng

Nov 3, 2023, 1:44:14 AM11/3/23
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers

I already update the information, looking forward for your investigation result

Thanks & Regards,
Ken Cheng 

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Nov 3, 2023, 6:11:18 AM11/3/23

Hi Ken Cheng,

Thank you for providing the requested information.

This guide explains how to receive test adsin your ads integration. It is important to use test ads during development so that you can click on them without charging Google advertisers. If you click on too many ads without being in test mode, you risk your account being flagged for invalid activity.

There are two ways to get test ads:

  1. Use one of Google's demo ad units.
  2. Use your own ad unit and enable test mode.

For Meta Audience Networking (Bidding), the test mode applies to ads served from the AdMob Network only and does not apply to ads served by other networks. 

Be sure that you've instructed your third-party ad source to serve ads in test mode. If you click on live ads served from a third-party ad source, you may receive a policy violation.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Ken Cheng

Nov 3, 2023, 6:32:00 AM11/3/23
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers

I want to clarify that I am testing adMob mediation, and integrate Meta Audience Network with Bidding for mediation partner.  

That why I am following the procedure on .  And I want to use ad inspector to get the test ad from Meta to see does the integration success or not.

I have enabled test mode on my testing devices, that why I can enter ad inspector to enable single as source test.  I expected can get the test Ad from Meta in IOS, but the result is, after a few success ( That mean I see the test ad from Meta), then I can't get the Test Ad from Meta after a while.

I have no issue to get the Test Ad from Meta through adMob mediation on Android, just find the issue on iOS.

That why I am looking for help for your team, please let me know if I still missing provide the information for your investigation.

Thanks & Regards,
Ken Cheng  

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Nov 6, 2023, 2:42:10 AM11/6/23

Hi Ken,

Thank you for getting back to us.

Upon reviewing your account, I have determined that there are warnings in the mediation group. AdMob is unable to retrieve the data for the Interstitial ad source. This could be due to:

  • Incorrectly mapped ad units 
  • SDK integration issues
  • Permissions issues in your third-party ad source account

I recommend you refer to this Can't retrieve data help documentation to resolve the IOS App warnings.

Ken Test Cheng

Nov 7, 2023, 3:13:31 AM11/7/23
to Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor,

Thanks for your reply, my concern is why I can't load the test ads of Meta on adMob iOS mediation after few success.

According to the answer I received in another thread, I should be able to load the test ads even with “Can't retrieve data” warning.  

I fail to load the ads on both interstitial and banner from Meta, and the warning for mediation is shown on the iOS and Android mediation group for banner type with AppLovin, but not Meta.  Do you mean it will affect me getting the test ads from Meta for both iOS interstitial and iOS banner?

Please correct me if I'm wrong, looking forward to your further explanation.

Thanks & Regards,
Ken Cheng

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Nov 7, 2023, 8:41:02 AM11/7/23

Hi Ken,

Thank you for getting back to us.

After investigating your query, I don’t see any issues with meta. Kindly provide the sample project reproducing the issue for further investigation, So that we can have full visibility of your implementation.

You can provide it via reply privately to the author option.

If the file(s) you are looking to share are less than 25mb in total you can attach them to this case on your next reply. If you are having trouble attaching your file to this case or if your file(s) are larger than 25mb, kindly provide requested information to us via reply privately to author option or using the steps below:

1. Navigate to

2. Fill out all fields, and attach your file(s).

3. Please reply back on this thread when you have uploaded your file(s). Please do not share this link.


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Ken Test Cheng

Nov 7, 2023, 10:06:58 PM11/7/23
to Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor,

Thanks for your reply, I already uploaded a sample iOS interstitial project using the corresponding app Id and app unit id for your investigation.

Thanks and regards,

Ken Cheng

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Nov 8, 2023, 4:15:17 AM11/8/23

Hi Ken,

Thank you for getting back to us.

We’ve checked the sample project and are able to reproduce the issue.

After debugging your code we see that ads are coming as you mentioned in the previous thread but due to frequency capping enabled in your AdMob Account, you will receive ads as per the limit provided in the ad serving settings.

Ad serving will stop for this app when either app-level or ad unit-level frequency cap is met. The following frequency caps have been set for ad units in this app:

  • Show no more than: 1
  • Impressions per user per: 10 Minutes

In order to get the expected ads serving, update ad serving settings as per your need.

Kindly refer to this link for more information about frequency capping.

Please reach out to us, if you need any further assistance.

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Ken Test Cheng

Nov 8, 2023, 4:59:19 AM11/8/23
to Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor,

Thanks for your reply, I already noticed the frequency capping feature, sorry for enabling the frequency capping that affects your testing, I just disabled it again.

Please help to check if you are able to reproduce the issue when Single as source test of Ad inspector is enabled for Meta Audience Network (Bidding) ?  After enabling the signal ad source test, I still can't download any test ads from meta.

Thanks and regards,
Ken Cheng

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Nov 8, 2023, 7:14:27 AM11/8/23

Hi Ken,
Thank you for getting back to us.

We’ve checked the sample project and are able to reproduce the issue when a single ad source test of the ad inspector is enabled for Meta Audience Network (Bidding).

As per our observations ads are not returning from third party resources (Meta Audience Network).

This happens due to below reasons:

  • No ad returned: The ad sources may have decided to not bid for the ad request or they may not be eligible to bid for it. There are several possible reasons for this issue. Here are some examples:
    • The ad source may only bid under certain conditions, such as specific geographic areas. 
    • The ad source may not have an ad for the bid request. 
    • There was an unexpected system error or timeout on the ad source’s end.

Kindly refer to your third-party ad source to understand why the ad source may not be bidding. 

Also refer to this link for more information related to troubleshooting the bidding issue.

Vnhlnet Vnhlnet

May 15, 2024, 7:36:15 AM5/15/24
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers
I'm currently having the same problem as yours.
I have followed all the steps like yours
But the ads are still not showing, including admob and meta
Even though there are a lot of requests.
Don't know if your problem has been resolved yet.
If it has been resolved please share me the solution.
I thank you very much

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

May 15, 2024, 2:27:16 PM5/15/24
Hello there,

Thank you for contacting us.

If you are facing the same issue even after you have followed all the steps, including AdMob and Meta and the solution didn't work which is already provided in the thread then, Kindly share the below details privately for further investigation so that we can replicate the issue and may provide a solution:
    • app ID
    • ad unit ID
    • Sample app that replicates the issue(If possible)

    You can provide the following details via reply privately to the author option or directly provide it to the link below.

    If the file(s) you are looking to share are less than 25mb in total you can attach them to this case on your next reply. If you are having trouble attaching your file to this case or if your file(s) are larger than 25mb, you can share your files with me by performing the following steps:

    1. Navigate to

    2. Fill out all fields, and attach your file(s).

    3. Please reply back on this thread when you have uploaded your file(s). Please do not share this link. 

    This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02qAAgN:ref" (ADR-00208849)

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    cc Zhang

    Aug 26, 2024, 2:27:54 AM8/26/24
    to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers

    Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

    Aug 26, 2024, 3:42:13 AM8/26/24

    Hi cc Zhangi, 

    Thank you for contacting the Mobile Ads SDK Support team.

    We would like to inform you that this product officially supports only English. It would be best to reply in English if you can. If not, we will try to use Google Translate to support you as best as we can.

    Could you confirm whether you have followed all the steps to Integrate Meta Audience Network with bidding

    Kindly provide the below information via the reply to author option, so that we will review your account and let you know why ads aren’t showing.

      • app ID
      • ad unit ID
      • Mobile Ads SDK Version
      • Meta Audience Network SDK version 
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