Hi Ryo,
Thank you for contacting the Mobile Ads SDK Support team.
Please note that I have removed your response from the forums as it contains the PII information.
Kindly be advised that after a thorough review of the account we have found that your app hasn’t been reviewed yet. To prompt a review, make sure your app has been verified and linked to a supported app store in AdMob.
Please find below your previous response with redacted information.
Regarding linking admob ads to my app i made for the first time!
I made an app and i’ve waited for linking on Google admob to use admob on my App before releasing for App store. i’m not sure why it doesn’t link and show on admob settings site. i’ve waited for around two months. This is my first time to making iphone app and try to using google admob ads so, could you guys help me to linking admob to my app or, could you guys help me how to link it.
i put my app ID. could you guys do something for helping me by using the ID?
my app ID:
I know you guys is busy but i want yours help.
Mobile Ads SDK Team |