iOS Mobile Apps running GMA SDK 11.7.0 - Drop in Viewability metrics (Possible OMID issue)

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Nathan Chappell

Nov 4, 2024, 5:05:51 PMNov 4
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers
We are seeing several iOS mobile apps running GMA 11.7.0 iOS where Viewability has dropped dramatically starting on 10/24/2024. The issue only appears to be happening on iOS, and may be an issue with OMID and the SDK. 

The impacted apps are: 

All three of these apps are running 11.7.0, and we do not see the issue on other apps running earlier versions, such as 11.4.0. We are not certain if 11.7.0 is the only impacted version, but it is the latest version we have identified the issue with. 

Upon inspection, we noticed that normally, Active View Pings are located using the domain of the following:

However, this is not happening in the apps above running the GMA version 11.7.0. Secondarily, if the publisher runs an OMID partner, such as IAS, we do not see these domains running either. An example of this would be from IAS, where we would expect to see pings coming from

However, this is not happening on 11.7.0. So, we suspect that whatever is happening with the GMA is occurring with OMID integration. 

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