My account is not serving ads - no way to contact support

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Silver Springs

Nov 10, 2024, 7:53:18 PM11/10/24
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers
I have tried everything, this is probably my last resort. Can someone route to support team please?

Issue1: I cannot contact admob support. keep getting: 
Something went wrong. Please try again.

Issue 2: All of a sudden Ads stopped showing. There is a warning to "complete verification", but I already did, was approved, and was serving ads for few months. When I go to payment everything looks fine. more details here:

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Nov 10, 2024, 11:13:19 PM11/10/24


As your concern is more related to the Account side, I would recommend that you reach out to the Product support team  as they are better equipped to address your concern. 

We understand that you are facing an issue to contact the product support team. But, at this time the forum is the best escalation path to address your concern. It is monitored internally and externally to help you resolve your issue.

Please be informed that our support channel can only best assist with regards to Google Mobile Ads SDK implementation.
This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02vGj2n:ref" (ADR-00274978)

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