Interstitial Admob dismiss

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Johan Giroux

Jan 27, 2014, 4:23:09 AM1/27/14
Hi everyone,

I'm developing an Android app. I want to put an interstitial ad to get some money. But something bothers me.

I would like to know if there is any way to dismiss an Admob Interstitial after few seconds. 
I mean, I already find a way, but is it legal ? Could I be banned for this ?

I don't want to "bother" my user by showing an ad which remains displayed on screen until the user clic the close button. 

Thank you

Eric Leichtenschlag

Jan 31, 2014, 8:52:53 PM1/31/14
Hi Johan,

Autoclosing is an advertiser setting that can be set at the creative level, but AdMob's interstitial templates don't set this, so only third party creatives could possibly choose to set this. There is no method of automatically closing the ad using the SDK.

I'd argue that if users were bothered, they'd click the close button before a few seconds. But if the ad was engaging, they wouldn't want the ad to automatically close. To avoid bothering users too much, I would recommend simply limiting the use of interstitials (show only after every 3-5 levels instead of every level for example).

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