AppLovin Mediation Adapter doesn't seem to initialize in iOS

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MMR- Saad

2:30 AM (8 hours ago) 2:30 AM
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers

Hello, I'm trying to integrate the AppLovin mediation adapter for GMA on iOS. I've followed the AppLovin mediation guide, but it's status showing not ready. 

Adapter Name: GADMobileAds, Description: <GADAdapterStatus: 0x302276fc0; state = Ready>, Latency: 0.002709

Adapter Name: GADMediationAdapterAppLovin, Description: <GADAdapterStatus: 0x302277040; state = Not Ready;No such adapter in the application.>, Latency: 0.000000

[AppLovinSdk] ERROR [ALMediationAdapterInitializationManager] Mediation adapter could not be initialized, double check that the adapter is included in your build. Adapter spec: [ALMediationAdapterSpec VOODOO_BIDDING]

[AppLovinSdk] DEBUG [ALHealthEventsReporter] integration_error reported with code 200 and extra parameters {

    source = "no_ads_loaded";


Here is my sample code, how I initialise AppLovin in appdelegate.

let initConfig = ALSdkInitializationConfiguration(sdkKey: "Kmu1X213V04EQ7gM0R3VMIVG1JFeDcZn6TekdwHysORTb5PSsIZwJsoqRF8K1rGIwoOmnTvcu4CKv6RG2wkM2s") { builder in

            builder.mediationProvider = ALMediationProviderMAX

              // Enable test mode by default for the current device.

            if let currentIDFV = UIDevice.current.identifierForVendor?.uuidString


                builder.testDeviceAdvertisingIdentifiers = [currentIDFV]



        // Initialize the SDK with the configuration

        ALSdk.shared().initialize(with: initConfig) { sdkConfig in


Is there any advice to get more visibility into this issue? 


Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

4:18 AM (6 hours ago) 4:18 AM

Hi Saad,

Thank you for contacting the Mobile Ads SDK support team.

From AdMob side check and confirm whether you have followed below steps:

Note: You can export the ad response only after you add your test device in the AdMob UI. You can troubleshoot the Adapter not found issue using Ad Inspector.  For detailed information refer to the AdInspector document 

This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02vEA3Y:ref" (ADR-00259669)

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