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Admob account got banned

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Azmat Ali

Dec 23, 2013, 8:02:44 PM12/23/13
Hello everyone !
I got a shocking news today when i logged in to my admob account and got this message

" Your account has been disabled for invalid activity or repeated policy violations. Some examples include recurring manual clicks or impressions, violation of our content policies which can be found here, robots, automated click and impression generating tools, third-party services that generate clicks or impressions such as pay-to-click, pay-to-surf, autosurf, and click-exchange programs, or any deceptive software. If you have any questions or concerns about the actions we've taken, how you can appeal this decision, or invalid activity in general, you can find more information here."

We are totally unaware of any activity inside our games.We have several games under our portfolio and we are gettign around 3000 downloads per day.We did feel that the clicks were kind of for 15000 impressions our games were getting 900 clicks but due to the full screen admob ads its kind of normal.And even if there is any invalid clicks/impressions activity then its never done by us.So its very unfair to ban our admob account without any notice or investigation from us.And our running games are cool and have high number of active users too like retention of users remain for several days which is also a reason of high impressions.

Our ads placement.

banner ads almost everywhere inside the game
interestitial ads (full-screen) in main menu and game over scenes of our games

i submitted appeal but its google.So we have less hopes that they would properly re-investigate our case.So i am asking everyone here to share and help in this scenario.We are totally innocent in this case.And we do not have any tracking system inside our games to find about the invalid clicks doer IP's etc
So help someone to get us out of this big misery.Much appreciated


Dec 23, 2013, 8:06:44 PM12/23/13
Google is evil.

Just left.

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"A captain would never run away from his duty, if he knew the ship was sinking."

Azmat Ali

Dec 23, 2013, 8:16:36 PM12/23/13
So what could be a good alternative ?
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Teddy Kresnamurtie

Dec 24, 2013, 2:08:05 AM12/24/13
I know how you feel, I've got the messages too... they are killing me softly.

Amy Quispe (AdMob SDK Team)

Dec 26, 2013, 4:30:18 PM12/26/13

Sorry, this forum doesn't handle account related issues. Please see the AdMob Help Center for information and support forms for general AdMob publisher questions.

Amy Quispe

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