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RE: [google-admob-ads-sdk] loadaderror(code: 1,request error: no ad to show.)

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Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Dec 12, 2024, 6:13:57 AM12/12/24

Hi YS Jung,

Thank you for contacting the Mobile Ads SDK support team.

Kindly note that I have removed your response from the forum where it contains the PII information.

We couldn't reproduce the issue you're experiencing in our sample application with the provided details. Would you be able to test this sample application and determine if you encounter the same issue?

If the issue still persists, share your sample project (not the apk file) where the issue is reproducible.

If the file(s) you are looking to share are less than 25mb in total you can attach them to this case on your next reply. If you are having trouble attaching your file to this case or if your file(s) are larger than 25mb. Kindly follow using the steps below:

1. Navigate to

2. Fill out all fields, and attach your file(s).

3. Please reply back on this thread when you have uploaded your file(s). Please do not share this link.

Find below your previous response with redacted information.

Hi Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers,

I hope you're doing well.

I came across a similar issue as mentioned by Paolo Diglio on October 2, 2024. I'm currently facing a problem where I'm unable to load ads and am receiving the following error:

flutter: LoadAdError(code: 1, domain:, message: Request Error: No ad to show., responseInfo: ResponseInfo(responseId: null, mediationAdapterClassName: null, adapterResponses: [], loadedAdapterResponseInfo: AdapterResponseInfo(adapterClassName: , latencyMillis: 0, description: , adUnitMapping: {}, adError: null, adSourceName: , adSourceId: , adSourceInstanceName: , adSourceInstanceId: )), responseExtras: {})

When I use the open test ad unit test app unit ID, test ads display without any issues. However, when I attempt to use my actual AdMob account's app unit ID and ad unit ID, I always encounter this error.

  • App ID:*********************
  • Ad Unit ID: =*********************

I would appreciate any assistance or insights you could provide on this matter. Thank you in advance for your help!

This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02vGoeS:ref" (ADR-00278525)

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Dec 18, 2024, 3:50:45 AM12/18/24
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers


Thank you for your prompt response.

I tested the provided sample application and replaced the AppID and AdUnitID with my own. Unfortunately, the same error occurred during my testing. (Please note that this issue was encountered on iOS.)

I have uploaded the sample project file utilizing the provided link. Could you please review the project and provide feedback on what might be causing the issue?

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,

YS Jung

Error Details:


flutter: InterstitialAd failed to load: LoadAdError(code: 1, domain:, message: Request Error: No ad to show., responseInfo: ResponseInfo(responseId: null, mediationAdapterClassName: null, adapterResponses: [], loadedAdapterResponseInfo: AdapterResponseInfo(adapterClassName: , latencyMillis: 0, description: , adUnitMapping: {}, adError: null, adSourceName: , adSourceId: , adSourceInstanceName: , adSourceInstanceId: )), responseExtras: {})



Dec 18, 2024, 3:54:21 AM12/18/24
to Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor,


Thank you for your prompt response.

I tested the provided sample application and replaced the AppID and AdUnitID with my own. Unfortunately, the same error occurred during my testing.

(Please note that this issue was encountered on iOS)

I have uploaded the sample project file utilizing the provided link. Could you please review the project and provide feedback on what might be causing the issue?

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,

YS Jung

Error Details:


flutter: InterstitialAd failed to load: LoadAdError(code: 1, domain:, message: Request Error: No ad to show., responseInfo: ResponseInfo(responseId: null, mediationAdapterClassName: null, adapterResponses: [], loadedAdapterResponseInfo: AdapterResponseInfo(adapterClassName: , latencyMillis: 0, description: , adUnitMapping: {}, adError: null, adSourceName: , adSourceId: , adSourceInstanceName: , adSourceInstanceId: )), responseExtras: {})


Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Dec 18, 2024, 8:59:29 AM12/18/24

I have tried running the sample project provided and able to reproduce the "No Ad to show" error but able to load ads with test ad unit Id which confirms that there is no issue with the implementation. Upon checking the account app status is ready and Ad serving enabled. Please do note that the SDK just requests ads to the ad server and does not have any control on the request's fill rates. The error you are getting means that the ad server doesn't have any available ad to serve into your app. With this, we recommend to raise your issue to the Product Support Team for further assistance.
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