Added test device but production ads are still showing

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Christopher Dougherty

Sep 8, 2024, 11:51:47 PMSep 8
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers
I added my own iPhone as a test device but production ads kept showing on the device. 

I checked my IDFA using two different apps to make sure that I got the right IDFA number. 

Now, Admbob has limited my ad serving and no ads can be seen production or otherwise. They said "Ad serving on your product is currently limited because of invalid traffic concerns.".

How do I get test ads to show on my registered iOS test advice?

Also to note, I was able to successfully add my Android phone as a test device and test ads are showing up on it. 

Thank you. 

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Sep 9, 2024, 3:54:58 AMSep 9


Please note that new test devices typically start serving test ads in your app within 15 minutes, but it can also take up to 24 hours. You can try adding your device programmatically as well.

If you are still facing the same issue even after 24hrs, kindly share below details via "Reply to author" option for further investigation:

  • app ID
  • ad unit ID
  • Mobile Ads SDK version
This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02vFwGq:ref" (ADR-00267228)

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Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Sep 10, 2024, 1:22:30 PMSep 10
Hi Chris,

Thank you for getting back to us.

I have checked your AdMob account and I can see that the app approval status is in "Ready" status and test devices are also added. But Indeed Ad serving is limited issue still persists. For test device showing production ads there are some below checks:
  • Make sure to add below code to register your iPhone test device
    • GADMobileAds.sharedInstance().requestConfiguration.testDeviceIdentifiers = [ "2077ef9a63d2b398840261c8221a0c9b" ] // Sample device ID
  • Make sure to use 7.59.0 or higher SDK version to see "Test Mode" label
  • Mediated ads do not render a Test mode label. You are responsible for ensuring that test mode is enabled for each of your mediation networks so that these networks don't flag your account for invalid activity. See each network's respective mediation guide for more information. 

Christopher Dougherty

Sep 17, 2024, 9:42:24 PMSep 17
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers

The "limited ad serving" has just been lifted from my account. I tried the suggestions you provided but still see production ads on my registered iOS device. In particular, I did the following:

- Added the code you suggested to register my device as a test device. This is in addition to registering my device as a test device within the google admob console. 
- Made sure that I am using a higher version than 7.59.0 for the mobile ads SDK.
- I am only using the default "admob" mediation group.

Is there anything else I can try to prevent production ads from showing on my test device? I want to prevent "limited ad serving" on my account. 

Thank you.

Best regards,

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Sep 18, 2024, 5:02:12 AMSep 18

Upon checking the screenshot shared it seems to be a flutter project, i would recommend to refer to the  flutter test ads  implementation. We have tried running a Google sample project and are able to load test ads on physical devices.

If you are still facing the same issue, we would recommend raising this to our Product Support team instead as this seems to be out of scope to our team. The product specialist there should be able to assist you further on this.
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