what's the difference between "firebase-ads" and "play-services-ads"

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Aug 7, 2018, 6:09:45 AM8/7/18
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers
hello guys.
I've been migration my project to google mediation.
but suddenly I curious about "gradle" list.

In my case, there's just one line in my gradle

But in other people's projects, I see that there are two lines.

Is it important at all? 
Should I add both lines?

sorry for my bad English..
thx to read.


Aug 7, 2018, 12:29:06 PM8/7/18
to kcy...@mafgames.com, Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers

Thank you for contacting us. Adding the Play Services alone in the Gradle file will pull in the latest version of the Mobile Ads SDK. If you're including both the Firebase and PlayServices in the Gradle file, it will include the Firebase SDK along with the Mobile Ads SDK. Please check this guide for more information. 

Bharani Cherukuri
Mobile Ads SDK Team

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