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Ads disabled by AdMob: no explanation, 2 years and no income...

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Nov 24, 2014, 8:00:10 AM11/24/14

So let's start with the problem I (we from our small company) have:

- On 2014-11-20 we received an email from AdMob that ads for one of our apps (with high ad revenue) have been disabled because of "unnatural attention" to the ads

- On 2014-11-20 we used the only available contact form from AdMob to ask whether they could be a bit more specific since our app has had the same ad implementation for the last 2 years and we can't find any way how we're giving unnatural attention to the ads.

- On 2014-11-24 we received a default reply stating we need to comply to the rules...

So we have really no idea what to do.. we just lost a really big chunk of AdMob revenue and have no idea why since we have not implemented anything to give "unnatural attention" to the ads and so have no idea to fix this.. We're willing to change anything to get the ads back up but for that we do however need to know what to change.

So a bit of help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Andrew Brogdon (Mobile Ads SDK Team)

Nov 24, 2014, 5:40:59 PM11/24/14
This forum is just for technical questions relating to the AdMob SDK, rather than general AdMob support.

The AdMob support site can be found at



Nov 24, 2014, 9:31:28 PM11/24/14
Hi Andrew,

Thanks for the fast reply. I fully understand that this is for developers only, however, using the link you gave I can only find anwers to default questions. And no way to get into contact with AdMob with regard to what we need to change inside the app. We would love to keep using AdMob as we have done for over 2 years now, so fixing this problem for this specific app would be greatly appreciated. Maybe you could point us to a certain direction where we can get some answers?

Thanks again.

Kind regards,


Op maandag 24 november 2014 23:40:59 UTC+1 schreef Andrew Brogdon (Mobile Ads SDK Team):

Albert Gazetdinov

Nov 25, 2014, 2:03:06 AM11/25/14

Ads should not draw unnatural attention

As a developer, you're not permitted to bring extra attention to your AdMob ads. This includes placing animations, arrows, or other symbols that point to the ad, or wording that highlights the fact that the app is ad-supported. Developers should also not modify the appearance of ads outside of the permitted options within the app settings.

вторник, 25 ноября 2014 г., 5:31:28 UTC+3 пользователь Sander написал:

Akshit Rewari

Nov 25, 2014, 2:53:35 AM11/25/14
Link to the app in question , Or any screenshot? without it how can u expect someone to figure out what the "unnatural attention" is? only if u add a screenshot or a link to app , someone will be able to identify what u need to change to get ads back.
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