Too many background threads already running

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Temper Situ

May 27, 2014, 6:44:41 AM5/27/14
I added PublisherAdView on my listview and activity. It shows "Too many background threads already running. Aborting task. Current pool size: 10" on Samsung Note 3(4.3), but it's work fine on my Nexus4 (4.4.2) with same code. I count there are 9 ad view would be load when on create. 
Adatper code:
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if((position+1)%4==0 && position !=0){
if(convertView instanceof PublisherAdView){
return convertView;
final PublisherAdView adView=new PublisherAdView(context);
adView.setAdUnitId("My UnitId")); //example
adView.setAdSizes(AdSize.BANNER, new AdSize(320, 50),new AdSize(320, 100),new AdSize(320, 150),new AdSize(320, 200),new AdSize(320, 250),new AdSize(320, 300),new AdSize(320, 350),new AdSize(320, 400),new AdSize(320, 450),new AdSize(320, 500),new AdSize(300, 50),new AdSize(300, 100),new AdSize(300, 150),new AdSize(300, 200),new AdSize(300, 250),new AdSize(300, 300),new AdSize(300, 350),new AdSize(300, 400),new AdSize(300, 450),new AdSize(300, 500));
adView.loadAd(new PublisherAdRequest.Builder().build());
        return adView;
return adapter.getView(position-position/4, convertView, parent);

There are 2 ad views on my activity. But I set second AdView start to load after first AdView onLoaded. It should not more than 10 threads. I have not idea for this. I will appreciate it if any one has advice. Thx~

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