Lost with InterstitialAd

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Nov 21, 2013, 9:03:52 AM11/21/13
to google-adm...@googlegroups.com
Have developed an Android application which is released to small set of users for Beta testing. I am using the same publisher id for Adview and InterstitialAd. 

Would appreicate if someone could provide inputs to the following: 

1. The Interstitical Reqs count displayed on dashboard is not accurate. It appears to be too too low - Initially I thought it might take some time for the correct count to be reflected in reports but that is not the case. I waited for two days and no change was visible on the dashboard. I am pretty sure that more  InterstitialAd have been shown to the user than the count displayed on dashboard. It is like not even 10% of the reqs have been displayed on the dashboard. 

2. Should I be using different published id for both adview and InterstitialAd? 

Logic to display the InterstitialAd is below:
A. The Activity implements AdLister
B. Following code in OnCreate method:
// Create the interstitial
interstitial = new InterstitialAd(this, Constants.AD_VIEW_KEY);

// Create ad request
AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest();

// Begin loading your interstitial 

// Set Ad Listener to use the callbacks below

C. Ad displayed as -
public void onReceiveAd(Ad ad) {
if (ad == interstitial) {

Kunal Verma

Nov 21, 2013, 9:49:24 AM11/21/13
to Google AdMob Ads Developers
Hi Shrey

Are you using the new AdMob UI or you are still on the old one? This is easy to tell because if you have upgraded, you are the new UI or else you are the old one.
I ask as it matters. Because the Ad Unit ID is handled differently in both of them. Though in both of these UI, you got to create separate Ad Unit ID for banner and interstitial Ads. But in the old UI, you have to create a separate App for both. Whereas in the new one, it is done inside the single app name. 

Please don't use same Ad Unit ID for interstitials and Banner Ads. Create a separate one as I told above. 

Interstitials Ads with separate Ad Unit ID works completely fine for me both in reporting and in App.


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Nov 21, 2013, 8:41:09 PM11/21/13
to google-adm...@googlegroups.com
Hi Kunal,
Thanks for the prompt reply. 

Regarding the UI: 
1. I am new to Admob, and I have only seen one UI. So just by that, I can't tell whether it is new or old. 
2. But, the UI that I have, I can't create two separate ids for Adview and Interstitial for the same app. I need to create the new app as suggested by you. So I can infer it is a old UI.

Regarding Upgrade:
1. How to upgrade to new UI? Is new UI supported from India?
2. If I upgrade, will all my information/details like publisher id, bank details, etc etc. be pushed to new UI or do I need to start from the scratch. 

Thanks a ton - for highlighting that I need to have separate ad unit id for both the components in old UI. Will wait for your reply on upgrade ... 

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Kunal Verma

Nov 21, 2013, 9:43:04 PM11/21/13
to Google AdMob Ads Developers
1)-The upgrade is staged rollout. Still not available in India, maybe. 
But then you can create different app for each Ad Unit ID. I would suggest do it now till the time you get the new UI.

2)- Yes, all the app data is shifted from the legacy AdMob to the new one. You dont need to start from scratch.


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Nov 22, 2013, 8:13:17 AM11/22/13
to google-adm...@googlegroups.com

Thanks Kunal. 

I have created another app in Admob just for having the IA ad. So this is my configuration:
1. One app/publisher id for Adview
2. Second  app/publisher id for IA

Both these publisher ids are used from same application for different kinds of Ad. 

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Nov 22, 2013, 11:58:03 AM11/22/13
to google-adm...@googlegroups.com
One more question. I just tested the implementation and seems to be working but for IA, i could see the impressions count but the click count is 0? Any pointers will be appreciated... 

Kunal Verma

Nov 22, 2013, 12:18:10 PM11/22/13
to Google AdMob Ads Developers

The clicks depend on user as they will make a click to the ad impression only if they are interested.
This has nothing to do with the SDK most of the time.
If you have tested using test Ads, you must have tested on clicking the test Ad( mind it, dont try to click real ads. You can get banned for doing it). After clicking the test ad, it would have taken you to browser. This means that clicking the ad works. And similarly for going back to the app. You have tested the working of it. So no issues from SDK side.
After this, Its completely dependent on user to click ads.


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William Ferguson

Nov 24, 2013, 8:42:38 PM11/24/13
to google-adm...@googlegroups.com
Everything that Kunal said +1

Also, for your interstitials, you almost certainly don't want to display it as soon as the ad is received. This will result is a very poor user experience. instead load the ad early and then in a natural break in your app check to see if an interstitial has been loaded and display it if it has. You can then load your next interstitial.

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