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No problem in Korea.
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No problem in Korea.
2016년 10월 11일 (화) 19:06, Mahesh Sheliya <mahesh...@gmail.com>님이 작성:
Hi Mind-e-fy Solutions,I am also facing this issue since morning and this problem is also occurred in my friends account.--
On Tuesday, 11 October 2016 14:51:09 UTC+5:30, Mind-e-fy Solutions wrote:Hello Group Members,I am from India, since today morning Admob portal is not refreshing data for me.Anyone facing same issue in same region/other countries ?
On Monday, March 31, 2014 at 11:12:23 AM UTC+5:30, Fahiem Ullah wrote:Hello,I have integrated Admob in many iOS apps. Since Saturday, The Admob revenue is not getting updated. Its showing me 0.00 in Today's earning and yesterday's earning as well WHICH SHOULD NOT BE CASE as i have many apps up and running. Also, i was getting revenue from Admob everyday as well .Can someone please guide me what happened, and whom to contact ? Thank you
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