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RE: [google-admob-ads-sdk] [ios / swiftui] banner is filled. but not showing up.

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Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Jan 20, 2025, 8:44:25 AMJan 20


Thank you for contacting the Mobile Ads SDK support team.

Kindly note that I have removed your response from the forum where it contains the PII information.

Please ensure you are using the latest version of the Google Mobile Ads SDK.

We couldn't reproduce the issue you're experiencing in our Google sample application with the provided details. Would you be able to test this Google sample application and determine if you encounter the same issue? If the issue still persists, share your sample project (not the apk file) where the issue is reproducible.

Please check if the issue happens on certain devices or all devices. Also, make sure the AdView isn't hidden or blocked by other views in your layout.

An impression is counted when one or more pixels of the ad creative is visible on a device's screen. If you enable impression-level ad revenue, AdMob sends back the ad revenue for each ad impression shown on the user's device.

Find below your response with redacted information.


I'm using SwiftUI, and I've been experiencing the following problems since the production release.

Even though the ads are filled and I can't actually see them, But It's clickable and go to the advertising page.

Not all banners are like that, sometimes they are showing up normally.

Can you tell me how to solve this problem?

(The interstitial and rewarded are printed well without any problems.)

Also, I wonder if it is recognized as a normal exposure and whether it is possible to generate revenue even in this state.

Best regards,

application name: Meteor - Note in Notifications

app ID: ca-app-pub- *********************

banner ID: ca-app-pub- *********************

If the file(s) you are looking to share are less than 25mb in total you can attach them to this case on your next reply. If you are having trouble attaching your file to this case or if your file(s) are larger than 25mb. Kindly follow using the steps below:

1. Navigate to

2. Fill out all fields, and attach your file(s).

3. Please reply back on this thread when you have uploaded your file(s). Please do not share this link.
This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02vGxRr:ref" (ADR-00285111)

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Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Jan 20, 2025, 9:18:42 AMJan 20


Please ignore the previous mail. We are able to replicate this issue. We have raised this concern to the wider team, and will intimate once receive any update on this, meanwhile your patience is important.


Jan 21, 2025, 1:28:17 AMJan 21
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers
Thank you.
I sincerely look forward to hearing from the support team.
If you need more information, please contact me anytime.


Thank you for contacting the Mobile Ads SDK support team.

Kindly note that I have removed your response from the forum where it contains the PII information.

Please ensure you are using the latest version of the Google Mobile Ads SDK.

We couldn't reproduce the issue you're experiencing in our Google sample application with the provided details. Would you be able to test this Google sample application and determine if you encounter the same issue? If the issue still persists, share your sample project (not the apk file) where the issue is reproducible.

Please check if the issue happens on certain devices or all devices. Also, make sure the AdView isn't hidden or blocked by other views in your layout.

An impression is counted when one or more pixels of the ad creative is visible on a device's screen. If you enable impression-level ad revenue, AdMob sends back the ad revenue for each ad impression shown on the user's device.

Find below your response with redacted information.


I'm using SwiftUI, and I've been experiencing the following problems since the production release.

Even though the ads are filled and I can't actually see them, But It's clickable and go to the advertising page.

Not all banners are like that, sometimes they are showing up normally.

Can you tell me how to solve this problem?

(The interstitial and rewarded are printed well without any problems.)

Also, I wonder if it is recognized as a normal exposure and whether it is possible to generate revenue even in this state.

Best regards,

application name: Meteor - Note in Notifications

app ID: ca-app-pub- *********************

banner ID: ca-app-pub- *********************

If the file(s) you are looking to share are less than 25mb in total you can attach them to this case on your next reply. If you are having trouble attaching your file to this case or if your file(s) are larger than 25mb. Kindly follow using the steps below:

1. Navigate to

2. Fill out all fields, and attach your file(s).

3. Please reply back on this thread when you have uploaded your file(s). Please do not share this link.

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Jan 24, 2025, 8:35:34 AMJan 24


The issue has been resolved. Could you please confirm if you are still experiencing the problem?


Jan 26, 2025, 8:16:09 PMJan 26
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers

It seems that the banner is loaded without hesitation.

Thank you for solving it quickly.

2025년 1월 24일 금요일 오후 10시 35분 34초 UTC+9에 Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor님이 작성:
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