Ads failing for ios

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Sep 19, 2014, 6:03:47 PM9/19/14
Hi, I've a very strange problem with my ads, but only on ios. They always work fine on android.

For example my ad with id "ca-app-pub-5485646066245024/5977950190" works fine on android, but fails on ios (device or simulator). However if I use a slightly different number for the last part, for example "ca-app-pub-5485646066245024/597795019" (removed last number) it works. I kept playing with this and it works on ios as long as I put some number after the /, but not the full number. I tried recreating all the adunits and it worked for a little while, about 30 minutes.

I checked on the dashboard and I could check that the request for the ad is being received, because when using mostly ios for that ad the fill rate is quite bad. I'm suspecting that for some reason admob "doesn't like" my ios app, but I've no clue why. Can you please check it?

Might be important: my app is developed using titanium and I use their admob module. It´s using admob sdk 6.10.0 internally.

Many thanks,

Kunal Verma

Sep 20, 2014, 6:04:47 AM9/20/14
to Google AdMob Ads Developers
In my experience, When I add an app in AdMob dashboard- there is selection in which we need to select Android/iOS/WP. You might have built an Ad Unit Ad inside an app which you have added after selecting Android in dashboard while creating it.
When I am publishing the same app on iOS, I tend to create a new app in AdMob dashboard selecting iOS. So, i think that it is not recommended to use the same Ad unit id ( which is created inside an Android app in UI) for iOS. 
Also, there is no option even when creating a new ad unit id to differentiate between OS. 


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Sep 20, 2014, 2:24:16 PM9/20/14
Sounds like good advice. I just gave it a try (create new app in admob selecting the proper os) and so far it's working. I'll report back if I run into any problems.
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