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Do the purposes in Google's GDPR messaging tool cover other products than Google AdSense and AdMob?

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Costas Athan

Jul 21, 2024, 9:16:36 PM7/21/24
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers

Google's GDPR messaging tool both on its AdMob Platform and on its AdSense platform covers all the 11 purposes defined by IAB.

  1. Do these purposes also cover other Google products than its advertising services, like Analytics, Crashlytics, FireBase App Performance monitoring etc. or not? (I'm asking in order to find out if the same tool can be used for getting user consent for utilizing other Google products too.)
  2. If the answer is yes and the same tool can be used for other Google products, when using Google User Messaging Platform for the purpose of obtaining consent, is there a guide about which IAB purpose corresponds to which Firebase product (Analytics, Crashlytics, Performance etc.) and what variables hold the users' decisions?

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Jul 22, 2024, 4:50:49 AM7/22/24


Thank you for contacting the Mobile Ads SDK support team.

The purpose of Google's GDPR messaging tool would cover only information related to Ads in AdMob and AdSense but not cover other Google products like Analytics, Crashlytics, FireBase App Performance monitoring etc.. For other Google products, you need to check with the appropriate product support team. 

This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02vDym7:ref" (ADR-00257836)

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