Request for Sample Code for GDPR Compliance in AdMob Mediation

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Jun 25, 2024, 1:05:10 PM (4 days ago) Jun 25
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers

Dear Google Ads Mobile SDK Tech Team,

I am Jennet, a Mobile SDK Developer at Adfours, an official MCM company in Korea.

Currently, we are collaborating with a large agency to develop a bridge advertising SDK applying GDPR using the AdMob SDK. This agency manages multiple media outlets targeting the European region. To ensure personalized ads for these media, GDPR settings are essential.

However, we need to apply GDPR settings for various mediation ads in AdMob. It has been identified that the AdMob UMP does not automatically relay user consent items to other networks, necessitating the required settings.

The development environment is as follows:

  • Platform: Android, iOS
  • Dependency Mediation SDK Adapter: Applovin, Meta, Unity Ads, Pangle

When targeting the European region, we need development code for the mediation adapter based on the user's consent details after the UMP UI popup window appears. For example:

  • If Applovin is not selected in the consent items provided, the code should set Applovin's GDPR setting to a rejected state.
  • If UnityAds is selected, the code should set UnityAds' GDPR setting to an accepted state.
  • If the user allows 'consent' for personal data collection, the GDPR settings for all ad partners should be set to 'allowed'.

Could you provide sample code for setting GDPR in AdMob Mediation under these conditions? The agency involved has influential game companies in Korea. As mobile game user inflow surges, ensuring revenue generation through personalized ads in the European region via AdMob is crucial.

Thank you for your support.

Best regards, Jennet Adfours

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Jun 25, 2024, 3:51:26 PM (4 days ago) Jun 25

Hi Jennet,

Thank you for contacting the Mobile Ads SDK support team.

Follow the steps in GDPR settings and you may need to add ad partners after you publish your consent message, either because you are adding an ad partner for which you had not initially requested consent, or because an ad partner was recently added to the IAB Global Vendor List (GVL) or Google ATP list and you now want to use them for their services.

In either case, when you add ad partners to published messages, you need to decide whether or not to ask users that have consented to the earlier set of ad partners to now consent again to the newly added ad partners.

Complete the following steps to add ad partners to your published European regulations messages:

  1. Sign in to your AdMob account at
  2. Click Privacy & messaging.
  3. Click European regulations.
  4. Click Settings.
  5. In the "Choose the type of ads you want to show" section, select Personalized ads.
  6. In the "Select ad partners" section, click .
  7. Select ad partners in the "Your ad partners" list to add them to your consent messages. Choose from the following options:
    • Commonly used ad partners: Use a preselected list of ad partners.
    • Custom ad partners: Select the ad partners you want to use individually. The list of commonly used ad partners is automatically selected when you choose this option, but you can deselect them individually in the list.
      Note: You can select up to 700 ad partners. If you exceed this limit, the changes to your European regulations settings won’t save.
  8.  Click Save. All European regulations messages shown to first-time visitors will use the updated settings.
  9. In the dialog that appears, click Re-prompt if you want to ask visitors who previously consented to make new selections based on the updated settings. If you choose not to re-prompt returning visitors, their previous selections will continue to be used.

Samples for your reference:

I would recommend you visit each partner network individually while integrating. Applovin, Meta, Unity Ads, Pangle. Also, Visit the IAB Europe’s site to learn more about the IAB Europe Transparency & Consent Framework policies.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions. 

This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02tJT5Y:ref" (ADR-00243827)

Google Logo Mobile Ads SDK Team

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Jun 26, 2024, 1:18:31 PM (3 days ago) Jun 26


If you’re using Google’s IAB GDPR message, we will auto populate your selected ad partners into all your messages. Follow the steps in Add ad partners to published GDPR messages to add your mediation partners to the ad partners list. Failure to do so can lead to partners failing to serve ads on your app.

After GDPR consent has been collected, you can read consent choices from local storage following the TCF v2 spec. The IABTCF_PurposeConsents key indicates consent for each of the TCF purposes. Kindly refer to How to read consent choices

Feel free to reach back to us if you have any further concerns or inquiries.

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