After I made the changes you recommended the code became much more stable and I am left with the original problem which I related in my first e-mail. It is definitely a run time error and as the code works on your system it may be that there are some difference in the software program issues I am using. I am using the following:
Android SDK Build Tools issue 18.01
Java issue 1.6
Windows 7 Ultimate
Can you let me know what you are using and if it is at a later issue whether you think this would solve the problem. I am very reluctant to update any of the android development code because every time I update, a string of new problems arise.
Can you also let me know the order in which the various items are compiled and linked as shown in the build path window in Eclipse both for the project and the library.
And finally can you let me know if you think there is something else wrong.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation,
Kind Regards
Levon Nigogosian