UMP EU Consent Form targeting 'everywhere' only loading within UK/EEA

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Mar 2, 2025, 7:20:51 PM (8 days ago) Mar 2
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers

As the title states. If I set my EU Consent form to target the UK/EEA only, then everything works OK. In the UK/EEA, the EU Consent form loads and my revocation button appears. Furthermore, in the regulated US States, the form button appears and users can change their preferences from there.

However, if I set the targeting of my EU consent form in AdMob to 'everywhere', then it appears to be the same. When testing from outside the UK/EEA/US Regulated States, no form shows (and therefore no revocation button shows either).

UserMessagingPlatform.showPrivacyOptionsForm returns 'No Privacy Options form is required' when outside UK/EEA & Regulated US States (tested using ConsentDebugSettings.DebugGeography.DEBUG_GEOGRAPHY_OTHER).

I noticed in AdMob, it shows this message within the Geography section:

'GDPR Everywhere will only work for apps with the full UMP SDK. Otherwise, messages will only be shown in GDPR-impacted regions (EEA + UK + Switzerland)'

If I click the 'learn more' link, the page it takes me to doesn't elaborate on this. What is meant by the 'full UMP SDK'?

I'm using this in my build.gradle file:


I'm using 'showPrivacyOptionsForm' and 'loadAndShowConsentFormIfRequired' to show the forms.

Why isn't this working, and what do I need to do to get 'everywhere' targeting working?


Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Mar 3, 2025, 10:58:32 AM (7 days ago) Mar 3


Thank you for contacting the IMA SDK support team.

It is expected behaviour.The consent form is expected to be displayed only when EEA/US locations are selected. For non-EEA locations, the consent form will not be shown.

Kindly use this link to changing location and getting the consent form.

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[2025-03-03 10:57:37Z GMT] This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02vH5El:ref" (ADR-00290827)


Mar 3, 2025, 7:10:31 PM (7 days ago) Mar 3
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers


Thanks for you reply. However I'm not sure my question was understood.

You say that the EU Consent form should be displayed only to UK/EEA users. However in AdMob, there is a Geography section which allows you to change the targeting from only showing the EU consent message in 'Countries subject to GDPR (EEA, UK and Switzerland)' or to all app users ('Everywhere', regardless of location). Here is what I mean (taken from AdMob):


If you click the 'Learn more' link, you are taken to a page which basically confirm this:
  1. In the 'Targeting' section, select one of the following options:
    • Countries subject to GDPR (EEA and UK): Display the European regulations message to app visitors in the EEA, the UK and Switzerland.
    • Everywhere: Display the European regulations message to all app visitors.

It does not however elaborate on the message shown in AdMob (see image above), in that it does not explain what is meant by 'the full UMP SDK'.

So as you can see, there is the option to display the EU consent message to all users, regardless of their location. However for me, it is not working. So just to clarify, my questions are:
  1. What is meant by 'full UMP SDK'? Full compared to what?
  2. Why isn't the 'everywhere' targeting working in my case?
  3. What do I need to do to get GDPR Everywhere working in my app?

The link you sent in your reply is about ConsentDebugSettings.DebugGeography which as I stated in my original post, I'm already using for testing. This does not answer the query.

I would be grateful if you could address each of the 3 question above. Thanks again!

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Mar 4, 2025, 10:10:50 AM (6 days ago) Mar 4


I will check with our team regarding your query and one of my team members will reach out to you once we have an update on this. Meanwhile, your patience is highly appreciated.

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[2025-03-04 10:09:54Z GMT] This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02vH5El:ref" (ADR-00290827)

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