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Zero impressions in DirectSold with NumberOfImpressions goal type.

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May 14, 2024, 5:29:14 PM5/14/24
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers
Struggling with AdMob campaigns. Can not get impression like in any campaign.
Started three campaigns, all Direct Sold:

First - MediatedAds with one ad unit.
Second - MediatedAds with second ad unit.
Third - NumberOfImpressions - with one of ad unit that was in second campaign.
Second campaign was paused, I thought one ad unit can not be in different campaigns.

I even set different eCMP for the firs and second campaign (wait one day for some changes).

First and Second campaigns are started 9th of May.
NumberOfImpressions - started 13th of May.

And still 0 impressions. 

I think I`m missing something small and important thing when  I'm creating campaigns in AdMob, because if you start your first campaign in Google ADS, and you noob - you will get your impressions. You can analyze data and what you did wrong - but you will get some data and impressions, but in AdMob I can not.

1. I'm selecting the ad units for AdMob campaigns that already give me some money.
2. I'm having only two ad units, one interstitial, second - rewarded interstitial.
3. I'm using only AdMob as ad network, no other sources.
4. I`ve added those two ad units to mediation group.

May be I need to add some info in app-ads.txt.
May I need to toggle some field in settings in account.

Need some help to figure out what I`m doing wrong.

Best regards, Eugene.   

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

May 15, 2024, 3:46:47 AM5/15/24

Thank you for contacting us.

As you have created the campaigns recently Kindly go through the following article about when campaigns serve ads. To ensure your campaigns will serve ads, make sure your billing information is up-to-date in the Google Ads account associated with your AdMob account.

Make sure you have followed the above articles. Kindly provide the following information via "reply to author" if the issue still persists:
  • app ID.
  • ad unit ID.
  • Campaign names.
  • Mobile ads SDK version being used.
This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02tIypf:ref" (ADR-00235011)

Google Logo Mobile Ads SDK Team

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

May 15, 2024, 4:35:36 PM5/15/24

Hi Eugene,

Please be informed that our support channel can only best assist you with regards to Google Mobile Ads SDK implementation. As this query is beyond the scope of our team's expertise, I would recommend that you reach out to the Product support team as they are better equipped to address your concern effectively. At this time the forum is the best escalation path to address your concern. It is monitored internally and externally to help you to resolve your issue.


May 15, 2024, 8:12:00 PM5/15/24
to Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor,
Thank you for your assistance. 
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