Help - Changed Legacy Ad IDs - Huge Drop in Requests/Impressions

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Aug 14, 2014, 9:39:46 AM8/14/14
I recently switched to the new admob system and Tuesday night I decided to update my legacy IDs on my apps.  Being new to the system I guess I screwed up and now I don't know what to do.  This is what I did:

Monetize new app > Search for your app (nothing came up with my searches) > Add app manually > Banner ad > Copied ID and added it to the app

Today I noticed that I had a drop of 10s of thousands of requests/impressions and a corresponding revenue drop by almost 50% since I changed it.

After going through the system I came across this page:

There I see I have a bunch of yellow triangles next to my apps and a bunch of gray apps.  The yellow triangles that show a picture of my app have a different ID then the ones I used which show no icon for my apps.

1) How do I fix this?  Do I have to go back and re-upload all of my apps with the ID from the apps with yellow triangles next to it?

2) What happened to my ad revenue?  Am I just screwed because I set it up wrong?

Everything was fine and now I'm just frustrated with the new system.


Aug 15, 2014, 7:47:43 AM8/15/14
Another 50% loss in revenue and still no idea what the problem is.  Waiting on admob to respond to my support request and doesn't look like there's much activity here either.

Hope someone knows what's going on and how to fix the problem.  Google is so worthless when it comes to support and actually being able to talk to someone.  I'll probably end up with some canned email like I do with everything else from them.

Amy Quispe (AdMob SDK Team)

Aug 15, 2014, 3:02:41 PM8/15/14
Hi DK,

To report performance issues, you can fill out this form.

Amy Quispe
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