I'm an indie developer, I work alone using Game Maker software.
I've implemented the Admob extension, it's working. But it's not clear what's going on.
There is no information anywhere apart from the manual which is insufficient for a perfect understanding.
I'm in Brazil. I'm using: AdMob_Consent_RequestInfoUpdate(AdMob_Consent_Mode_DEBUG_GEOGRAPHY_EEA)
I'm using AdMob_SetTestDeviceId()
I'm getting the user's age.
For each targeting I do the following:
if (user_age_status == "major") {
if (user_age_status == "under-age") {
if (user_age_status == "children") {
When the user is defined as "major", the form is displayed and will return PERSONALIZED or DECLINED according to the choice.
1. Here's my first question. When refusing, shouldn't it be NON_PERSONALIZED instead of DECLINED?
When the user is defined as "under-age", the form is not shown and is automatically OBTAINED and DECLINED.
When the user is defined as "children", unlike "under-age", it is REQUIRED and then UNKNOWN.
2. What defines whether it is REQUIRED or not. If you are in the European Union. But children and under-age shouldn't. Do I have to use AdMob_Targeting_UnderAge(true) before AdMob_Targeting_COPPA(true)?
And what exactly happens to the ads if it is set to UNKNOWN for some reason?
3. If the game is started with the network disconnected, consent is not obtained, but if it is connected during the game, the ads load and are shown as UNKNOWN. Should I stop this from loading, or will the ads be non-personalized?